Winning Bet

by Karin
(Fort Collins, Colorado)

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One of the best horse books for girls...

I love this book because I wrote it for anybody who has ever struggled, or is struggling, to be a winner.

For 15-year-old Emma Duncan, it doesn't look good ... will the losing streak ever end? In the middle of a horse show, Emma scratches out of her next class because her mare, Bonnie Blue, shows everything but winning behavior. When Emma tries the timed events, her feisty horse gives speed a new twist. At home, saddle thieves are on the loose, and so are friend-thieves.

Will Emma’s best friend, Aubrey, abandon her for the rude new girl, Caitlin? Will the chemistry between Emma and the mysterious Enrique turn into something more? Emma’s father utters the word “slaughterhouse”, and Emma understands one thing clearly. She and Bonnie must win or face separation forever.

Here's to all the horse crazy girls in the world!

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Nov 21, 2009
by: Kristi

This book is such a great treat! You are a gifted writer :)

Nov 21, 2009
by: Christina

Can we be friends? I would love to be friends with a famous author! By the way I can't wait to read this book! Sounds awesome!

Nov 21, 2009
can't wait to read it!
by: Sydney

This is soo cool! Thanks for telling us about your book. I can't wait to read it. (The cover didn't come through so I couldn't include it, sorry!)

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