We want you to be safe! Before you submit or comment on HorseCrazyGirls.com, keep in mind:
1. You must be 16 or older to share on this site. This is required under European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulations.
2. Don't share pictures or stories that aren't yours! It's not cool, or legal, and can create trouble for us. Please don't!
3. Don't share your real name, the name of the stable where you ride, or other personal info in your submissions. Go ahead, make up a name...we encourage it!
If you want to know when your submission is published, or if you want to know when girls comment on your page, you can provide your email address like the example below.
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If you decide you don't want to be in the HorseCrazyGirls club anymore. At the bottom of every email there is an unsubscribe link you can use to stop the emails. It's OK - I won't be offended!
Please don't write snarky or mean comments that put down other girls or their submissions. We want HorseCrazyGirls.com to be as fun as riding!