Wild Winner - Chapter 1

by Karen

The wide and wonderful green valley stretched for miles. Pine trees covered the mountain’s jagged edges.
A mountain stream flowed through the valley. The flood planes around it were covered with green vegetation. The fluffy blue sky showed no signs of storms.
This was the day Rain was born. In the middle of the meadow in the valley she became part of the world. When she was lying on the ground next to Thunder, her mother she tried to stand, but her out- of -proportion legs collapsed under her. Her mother nudged her and encouraged her to try again. This time she succeeded. She took a drink of the rich milk her mom provided her. The chestnut filly took her first run soon after. She flew around the valley happy to have freedom.
“Now Rain! Come along! Its time to meet your father!” Rain’s mother gently shoved her along.
As they arrived at the herd Rain’s brown eyes grew larger and larger as she saw how many horses there were. “Now your father River, is over there. Don’t bother him. He’ll bite young-un’s if the annoy him!”
As they were speaking a large fat mare came over “Well who do we have here?” She smiled quite large and the whole thing was too much for Rain to take in.
Thunder smiled “This is Rain. Rain, this is Snowy” Rain frowned as Thunder continued “Snowy is having a colt. You two can play together!”
Rain stuck out her lower lip “No!” she pouted.
Thunder shook her head “Well, we’ll be seein’ you. Rain! Don’t kick the grass up. That is your herd’s food.” She herded Rain along to the center of the herd. Three colts were tussling around. A large mare watched them closely.
“Rain, this is Butterfly. She takes care of the colts. You will stay with her a little bit later.” Rain was drawn in by the rough play and trotted over to them. Thunder looked at Stormy and sighed.
The oldest colt, Stormy who looked long ready to leave the herd walked over to Rain “Maybe later midget!” Rain reared slightly and kicked him. Her mother took her away quickly.

About 500 yards away from the gathering of the herd, on a small hill, was River. He was a blue roan stallion with almost black mane. He had a mighty look to him and always looked ready to attack anyone who tried to hurt his herd. When he saw Thunder and Rain he stopped eating and looked up. “May I ask who this is Thunder?”
Thunder bowed “This is Rain, I bring her to you so you can present her to the herd.”
River nodded and let out a shrill cry that could be heard for miles around, “I present Rain, daughter of Thunder to the herd so that they may accept her as one of them. All horses who accept her say “I!””
Rain looked around and ran to her mother as one horse didn’t accept her. It was Stormy. He angrily spoke the words, “You left me!” and ran out of the herd.
Thunder brought Rain into a dark quiet area in the circle and let her rest. The Sun was setting, and Rain closed her eyes.

The sun rose over Cheyenne Valley. The sharp call of a crow broke the night time silence. The sun crept over the top of Marksman mountain. Rain opened her eyes slowly and whimpered for her mother. Thunder drowsily nudged Rain. “Come on.. Lets go to Butterfly to meet the colts in the group. Rain nodded “Ok!”
A large group of colts and fillies were milling around in the center of the circle. A weanling filly named Runner looked at butterfly, “Where is Stormy?” she asked.
Butterfly looked sad. “Well if you gather up I’ll tell you a story.”
The colts rushed in. Rain left her mom and stood with them.
Butterfly sighed, “Well not long ago there was two foals in this herd. One of them, Thunder was a filly. The other was a colt. They promised they would be together for their life. Even though the rule of the herd said otherwise. They stayed together as they had said until they were 3 years old. That is when Thunder had Rain.” Butterfly nodded toward the little pinto filly. “ Stormy, when he saw her being welcomed to the herd decided his life was done in the herd and he needed to find a bachelor herd somewhere and join it”
“Why was he in the colt group if he was so old?” Runner wondered
Butterfly sighed “When he saw Thunder and River together he was filled with hatred for Thunder and he wanted to be a colt again so they could love each other.”
The colts ran around playing until Butterfly called “Yup!” All the colts except Rain lined up in the center. Rain awkwardly followed too. They started reciting “ The rules of our herd:
One: Always listen to the lead stallion and mare.
Two: If you are a male over 3 years you must leave!
Three: Colts will stay with their mums until they are 4 months
Four: you don’t get out of the colt group until you are 2.”
Butter fly nodded “Very good you guys. Rain! Your mom is here. Go on!” Rain followed her mom to their little corner of the herd and settled down for a night.

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Wild Winner - Chapter 2

by Karen

The mist rose slowly as Rain opened her eyes. A group of horses were heading toward the older filly.

“'Sup Rain”

Rain smiled. “Hey Runner! How’s life?”

Runner smiled “Fine. Hey happy 2nd Birthday! That rocks. Now you are the same age as me!”

Rain smiled. “Yeah! Now I can get out of that colt group thingy!”

But deep inside Rain, she didn’t want to stay with the herd. She wanted to find another herd and be lead mare! Rain trotted up to Runner “Come here” she said leading her to a shady spot under a tree. “I want to leave the herd and find another stallion.” She whispered.

Runner looked at Rain. “Like find out were Prince went?” Runner knew Rain used to have a crush on Prince.

Rain shook her head “No. I want to find Stormy.”

Runner sighed. “He’s real old now.”

“Not very. Only five.” At that Rain walked out from under the tree and left the circle. Runner ran after her.

“Wait! I’m coming!” They walked over the hill that protected the valley they were in and stood on top. “Wow!” she said looking down, “There’s River and Snowy and Sandy and…”

Runner interrupted “We know who is in the herd, Rain.” Rain had turned into a fine filly. Her gleaming body was like water. She had felt awkward in the colt group as she was so much bigger than them.

Rain made her way to the mountain. She was sure, if Stormy was out there he was over the mountains. Runner looked at Rain “Do you really want to do this?”

Rain nodded “I wish to be lead mare sometime. I will find a stallion and be with his herd.” She looked longingly over the mountains waiting for Stormy to appear. She wandered over the mountains. Day, after day… waiting to see a handsome black stallion appear.

Samuel looked at the track, waiting for something interesting to happen. Every day it was the same, horses race, one wins. No photo finishes or fatal injuries. Not that he was wishing something bad would happen he was just bored.

Bored with the WHOLE racing thing. It was the same EVERY time, thoroughbreds with long weird names like Mega Bubble GUM! What about another breed? Is that illegal?

Samuel was a young man who volunteered at the track. He groomed thousands of high strung thoroughbred colts every day. He got tired of it but people needed him. Samuel decided he was going to race another breed… somehow.

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Wild Winner - Chapter 3

by Manowar

Samuel looked at the track, waiting for something interesting to happen. Every day it was the same, horses race, one wins. No photo finishes or fatal injuries. Not that he was wishing something bad would happen he was just bored. Bored with the WHOLE racing thing.

It was the same EVERY time, thoroughbreds with long weird names like Mega Bubble GUM! What about another breed? Is that illegal? Samuel was a young man who volunteered at the track. He groomed thousands of high strung thoroughbred colts every day. He got tired of it but people needed him. Samuel decided he was going to race another breed… somehow.

Runner and Rain found a small place in the mountainous woods to rest. Rain looked dejectedly at the ground. “WHY CAN I NOT FIND THAT ONE HORSE?” She screamed out.

Runner calmed her, “You will. Sometime.”

In the night Samuel approached the horses quietly. His vacation to Montana had been fun. Now he needed a horse. The chestnut lifted her head and reared. The bay close beside. Samuel threw the halter over her face. She screamed in pain then stopped. Tired, she followed sadly. Samuel’s truck was down in the valley. It would be a long walk down to the trailer.

Samuel had bought a fancy farm to keep the horses at. It had a training track, a breeding stable, normal stalls… anything you could imagine! He decided his horses would be disguised as thoroughbreds in the races but mustangs in spirit. He already had some thoroughbreds, why not mustangs?

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