Through the eyes of my foal (Well SOON-TO-BE foal)

by Rayna


Everything was black. I felt cold. I had just been taken away from the safe place, and two warm gentle hands placed me on a pile of itchy stuff. I heard voices cooing around me, but I didn't know what they meant. There was a man's voice and a woman's voice, and the voice of my mother. She seemed happy. Finally after what seemed to be ages, a crack of light peered through my eyelids. It was bright. Very bright. The first thing I saw was my mother's face. It was brown white, soft, and big. I peered into it. Finally more light began to flood in. I realized that I had eyes just like my mother. They were open now and I absorbed every sight I could see. A woman with glasses and brown hair,and man with brown hair, Two other woman, and my mother. But where was father I slightly turned my head. There he was. "Ble-e-e-e"I managed to cry. "Father!" I tried to say. But all that would come out was. "Nay, or Ble-e" More words from the woman. I tried to stand. I got over my dizziness and stood on wobbly legs. "Ble-e-e-e!" I squealed again. The man reached his hand out to pet me. "Ble-e-e!" He stroked my silky back and patted my head. I finally stood completely still. I was getting stronger. "Ble-e-e-e-e!"I cried. My feet felt hard. I looked around. The walls were brown and wooden. So was the roofing and floors. I was sitting on green yellow and orange straw. I reached my head down, opened my mouth and tried to eat. The straw felt warm but crunchy and it pocked me in the mouth. "Ble-e-e-e-e!" I exclaimed. Within minutes I was slowly and shakily making my way in a circle. Mother peered down at me. Her frizzy brown forelock covered her eyes. "Na-a-a-a-a-a" Mother whispered to me. My eyelids grew heavy and I suddenly flopped down in the hay. the last thing I remembered were the voices of the man and woman,a nd warm hands gently wrapping me up in some type of soft cloth.

```````TO BE CONTINUED!````````

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Through the eyes of my foal (Well SOON-TO-BE foal) PART 2

by Rayna
(Mesa Arizona)

A cute foal

A cute foal

~~~Before I start, This story is made up! The foal is my neighbor Canda's! It will not be born until January! It's parents are Dreamer and Magic, and they are American minis!~~~ (July 5, 2010 is today's date)

It had been 3 weeks since the birth. She was strong. She was healthy,and she was very smart. She would run with her parents every day,and she would drink a lot of water,and eat a lot of food. She was brown and white and full of energy. she was Star.
It felt good to run with mother in the hot July sun. Father would always lay in the pen resting, but mother would run everyday! And I would be the one to run with her. The man and woman would come out quite a bit to rub my neck or put a tiny neon pink halter on my face. I didn't know what it was for. Maybe it made me look all feminine and cute, Nah. Father even wears one. Maybe it's just what all the bigger horses wear.
I saw the Man approach the pen with a giant black sack. Curious I trotted over to the man and nudged him in the Knee making him turn towards me revealing the grainy goodness inside the bag. he spread the hay out around the pen and gently kicked father in his side to make him move. Then he spread the hay in father's resting spot. Mother ran into the pen and munched on the golden goods. Father gracefully trotted out of the pen and onto the patio to mess with the bunnies.
I followed mother into the pen and looked around trying to find my water trough. There it was! The small blue trough lay between mother and father's feeding troughs. I took a drink then lay next to a large pile of hay that mother was munching on.
I had been up running with mother since the crack of dawn. Running was a little boring because We were in the Man and Woman's small backyard,and half of it was occupied by a dog pen. I was, well you could say, exhausted!
My eye lids shut and my legs spread out. My heart calmed down and my breathing slowed. I had gone into a deep sleep. My mind played back everything I heard and saw that day when I was suddenly awakened by the sound of GIANT hooves. I opened my eyes slightly to find that both Mother and Father were in the pen, and the door was closed,and the backyard gate was opened, and a truck was backing into the yard! I immediately stood up and stared.
What I saw made me jump! In the back of the truck was the woman with a giant American paint horse! Not a pony like me, but a horse! And it was 10x my size! Mother and Father didn't seem to mind, but I only went up to that things knees!

Look for part 3!

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