The Further Adventures of Blackjack: The Champion Morgan Horse
by Ellen Feld
(Goshen, MA)
The Further Adventures of Blackjack, book seven in the Morgan Horse series, takes the reader to the exciting world of Morgan shows. Heather and Blackjack have had an awesome show season, winning top ribbons at all the New England Morgan shows. This could be the year that they get to go to Oklahoma to compete in the Grand National and World Championship Morgan Horse Show!
But travel from New England to Oklahoma is quite expensive, especially with a 1,000 pound animal. In order to pay for the 1500 mile trip, Heather will have to make a very difficult decision, a decision that will involve one of her beloved horses. And there's a lot that can happen on a four-day trip across the United States with 15 frisky horses cramped into a large horse van.