Okay, first I want you to walk around the barrels to get him/her used to the Pattern and then trot, then canter, then galop around. For the tossing of head, I would try leading her around on the lead.
May 07, 2020 Rating
Training Tips by: Anonymous
Hi! I'm not a horse genius or even an expert (I don't actually even have a horse of my own) so the tips I'm giving you are from books about training horses. I'm really sorry if these tips don't work for you and your horse. Here are my following tips:
1. Praise your horse. You may use the Praise method already,but still look for small things to praise your horse for. If you don't use the praise method of training, start praising and stop punishing! Most horses are eager to please and they're pretty disappointed too, if they can't seem to please you. Try to do some special activities or just spend a whole day with your horse praising him or her for everything he or she does right. See if you notice a difference. Here's an activity to start with if you can't think of any. Lead your horse out to pasture. Walk him or her to the middle and halt him or her. Drop the leadrope and walk a few feet away. If he or she stays where they are, praise them! (These activities are really easy to come up with, so I'm sure you'll be able to think up lots.)
2. Have fun with your horse. Play with him or her.
3.Be patient and love your horse every step of the way.