That's cool that you live in the same state as me. As for Tiger, you should teach him that grooming is a good thing by giving him treats while you are grooming him. Eventually, he will begin to understand that he should look forward to grooming. The same thing goes for leading him.
P.S: comment here if you have any other problems.
Sep 09, 2012 Rating
horses by: reina
well horses are my most favorite animal in the world. There is this one horse I take care (kind of like his groom) Tiger. He doesn't like to pick his feet up or get his hair braided, and I always have to pull on the lead rope with all my strength to get him to move, or walk him in a circle to go the correct way. He is a great horse and all, but those are the most constant problems with him. What do I do?
P.S. You live in the same state as me, but I live in Hamilton county.
Aug 30, 2012 Rating
heyyy by: SuperSmily
So like I promised
1. your 1st poll (for you to answer) What is your favorite type of horse a. Arabian b. Quarter Horse c. Paint Horse d. Other (please list other)
2. websites you can go to -this website duh! - (free horse game) - (where you can subscribe Young Rider magazine)
3. games you can play (not online) - horse lovers monopoly