Sonrise Stable Horse Book Series

by Sydney from

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Young horse lovers will like these books that share stories of family and friendship. The author says that, “The Sonrise Stable series of books for children combines my love of God and horses in stories designed to help children learn more about both. Each book incorporates a strong Christian theme as well as fun and factual horse information, and strong family values.”

In the first book Rosie and Scamper, 8-year-old Rosie dreams of winning ribbons with her horse Jet. But then she has to ride another horse, Scamper, and things are not as she planned. Then she meets a new girl Carrie who starts to ride at the farm and Rosie learns some new things about friendship.

In the second book Carrie (from the first book) has her first horse Bandit and she is about to be adopted. But things go very wrong. Carrie learns about the power of love and forgiveness.

The author of these books, Vicki Wilson has been a horsecrazy girl from the time she first rode a horse at age 8. She became obsessed with horses (sound familiar?) Her first horse was Cricket, but she wasn’t able to ride her. Then she got her horse Dolly and she finally got to ride. Later she started the Christian Cowgirls Club and became an author!

Read more and review these books below:

Sonrise Stable: Carrie and Bandit

Sonrise Stable: Clothed With Thunder

Comments for Sonrise Stable Horse Book Series

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May 28, 2014
Great books for young girls
by: Sydney from

I just passed the review copies of these books on to another horsecrazy girl who is in 4th grade. She absolutely loves them and wants to read more! So for anyone who is looking for a great gift for a young girl who is crazy about ponies this would be a good choice.

Mar 18, 2013
Sonrise Stable
by: Unicorn

I have read the first Sonrise Stable book, "Rosie and Scamper", with which I was delighted. Aimed at younger readers (approx. 8-12), the fast-paced story keeps you interested. A fun read that teaches meaningful lessons along the way.
Vicki Watson also hosts the Christian Cowgirl website,, an awesome place for girls who love God and horses to hang out and have fun!

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