I think it's really good. (I can't draw horses very well) JESUS LOVES U!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 15, 2010
Wow! by: Windcall
Pretty cool, eh? :O In my opinion, this sketch is AWESOME!!!! :D
Windcall *:-) JESUSLUVSU!
Oct 27, 2009
Eh... by: Sam
It's o..k...I do like the colors. And I think a person should write at least one good thing when you write a bad one. But I think it's a little cute. I kind of like it:) But it does look like a person/bird would be riding it.
Jul 04, 2009
Yea, I agree. by: Kristen
I agree. I wasn't too proud of it because of the way I did the body and feathers, also it was from a long time ago. So I agree.