Comments for Scared or is it because he is new? Or both? HELP please!

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Aug 13, 2012
Hi Jackie
by: Unicorn

It sounds like Bullet is a bit herd-bound (or barn sour). As you don't mention him being very spooked on the trail, I think he is being more stubborn than scared. Taking away treats and kisses might not necessarily prove to him that you're the boss, it's discipline that usually keeps a horse in line and discipline doesn't mean beating him up. Just be firm - as it sounds like you were, having worked on him for two hours, and very well done for not giving up. Don't let him get his own way. Many horsemen say that who's the boss depends on who's moving whose feet. If Bullet makes you move, he's being boss. If you tell Bullet where to go, you're being boss.
If he is exceptionally dead to your legs on the trail you can get a crop or a wip-wop to back up your leg aids.
Please note, though, that I'm no professional - just a keen amateur. It's always best to consult a knowledgeable horseman if you can. And always wear a helmet!

Good luck and happy riding

Aug 07, 2012
your horse
by: reina

It may be because the trail isn't familiar and there might of been something dangerous. he was trying to protect you from.

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