by Anna
(Littleton, CO)
Ride a Wild Pony is the best movie for horse lovers and dreamers! It gets sad but ends up happy.
From Amazon:
This movie centers around two children in Australia. One a very well-to-do crippled girl and the other a very poor and downtrodden boy who can't go to school because he has no transportation to get there.
Eventually, the authorities arrange for the poor boy's Dad to buy a wild Welsh pony for three pounds. And the boy is immensely happy. However, the pony doesn't like being cooped up and escapes. Only to find himself in the well-to-do girl's herd.
Eventually, there is a court trial to decide who is the actual owner of the pony. The movie does an excellent job of making it unpredictable who will end up with the pony.
But it is Disney, so eventually all is resolved happily.
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