Maybe you could write a story with lots of action. I love action-packed stories!
Aug 22, 2016 Rating
Here's an idea.. by: AHorseLovingGirl
Could you write a story from the horse's point of view? I love those kind of stories! I would definitely read it! :)
Aug 19, 2016 Rating
Any Ideas by: Kayla
If anybody has any ideas that they want me to write about, feel free to let me know. <3<3
Aug 11, 2016 Rating
Hey... by: AHorseLovingGirl
I have no ideas for this particular story but I have tons of horse-related stories packed into my head.. You did do a great job so far though! This story is great just like this. But if you wanted to make it longer you could. I think it's still AWESOME either way :) I hate having writer's block. It's really annoying cause sometimes you just want to write! BTW: I changed my name to AHorseLovingGirl (without the 4ever...just so you know it's me) :)
Aug 03, 2016 Rating
Part Two by: Kayla
I might write a part two but I'm not sure what about... If you have any ideas feel free to let me know! (I'm kind of having writer's block right now) :)
Jul 29, 2016 Rating
Awesome! by: AHorseLovingGirl4ever
I love this! I also read "Faster than an Arrow and Quicker Than Lightning" and I loved it! Are you planning on writing a part 2 for this? Anyway, you did a great job! ;)