My Horse Farm: Welcome to Trotterville

by Emma

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I got this game for Christmas and love it!

I 5 star the game and recommend it for anyone boy or girl!

What I like best about it is:

There are fun challenges and goals. There is also a bunch of buildings you can upgrade and/or buy! I also like that you can dressup your rider anytime. You can choose your hair style and color. You can also choose if you are a boy or girl. (Male or female.)

It also encourages proper care of horses! (If you don't take care of your horse, say goodbye! Because the Animal Protection Agency comes!) You can board other peoples horses, and hire staff.

The one thing I don't like is it will run on Windows 7 but not as good. Also to not lag when you ride your horse, you need a good video card.


1. For the challenge herbs in the hill you should print out the map or bring it up on another computer or laptop.

That challenge is so hard! I have not got past it yet.

Comments for My Horse Farm: Welcome to Trotterville

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Jan 20, 2015
by: Jocelyn

I can't figure out how to board horses!!!

Jan 30, 2013
mares won't foal
by: Anonymous

my mares won't foal. please help!

Nov 06, 2012
by: Anonymous

i am having so many problems...
I don't know how to enter a competition... i pay the fee and then it goes away!
The herbs in the hill challenge is SO hard
Please help!

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