Katie Price's Perfect Ponies

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Katie prices perfect ponies are the best books ever! I bought all of them because I love them so much!

They are all about a group of girls at a riding school and they are all called yard girls. They are called yard girls because they don't have their own pony so they look after ones at the riding school.

They also have a friend who has a pony and keeps it at livery there. Also there are two other girls who keep their ponies at livery and they are really mean and all the yard girls and the other livery girl hates them!

I recommend you read these books because they are super! (They're all I ever read anymore!)

Comments for Katie Price's Perfect Ponies

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Sep 12, 2015
Love It
by: Sally

I absolutely love this series! It makes me want to have a pony just like Jess, Mel, Amber, Sam and Cara. My fave one is Sam and Mel :P It's an amazing series and I've read it over and over again!

I <3 Ponies!

Jan 28, 2012
best book
by: Anonymous

katies perfect ponies are the best and trustful learning book. i looooooooooove them so much.

Apr 10, 2009
katie prices perfect ponies
by: lydia

those books are so cool

Jun 26, 2008
I have them to!
by: Alaina

I have them too they're great!

Mar 11, 2008
I read them too!!!!!
by: Anonymous

They're great!!!!!!!!!

Mar 09, 2008
Can't wait to read them!
by: Sydney

I thought I'd heard about every horse book series, but I didn't know about this one. I'll read one and let you know what I think.

Thanks for telling us about them.

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