Horse Eden Eventing

by AHorseLovingGirl

Horse Eden Eventing is a free online horse game, and you can pay for an upgrade as well.

On HEE, you can...

  • Enter your horses into shows (Dressage, Jumping, Cross Country)

  • Breed and rate your horses

  • Run your own stable

  • Role play

  • Buy and sell horses

  • Make great friends

  • Host contests

  • Join clubs

  • And more!

You must be 14 years or older to play. I just recently turned 14, so I decided to join Horse Eden. It has amazing graphics, and it's quite simple to learn how to play!

I recommend this game to ANY horse crazy girl (14 or older of course). Check it out at!

Comments for Horse Eden Eventing

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Jan 18, 2025
by: Jenna

*Limit to free ranging 100 Horses
*Lowered show payouts

Jul 07, 2023
Clicquish, and breeding is rigged
by: Anonymous

Since August of 2022, when the site owner claimed that free ranging horses as a form of income was against the rules (it never was, and the rules haven't been updated to reflect her lie), the site has lost a lot of the long-standing members. The real problem was, there was too much game currency in the game which players hadn't paid real money to obtain, so Eve (site owner) made it harder to obtain free game currency (and many of us were in chat the day she said there was too much money circulating in the game -- I wish I'd gotten a screengrab when she said it).
Since that time, the game economy has tanked spectacularly. High-rated horses with common colors can be bought for 1000 in game currency, where previously, they would go for 50,000 in game currency, or far more if they had an uncommon combination of genes. When you can buy an EWW-rated horse for 15,000 in game currency, or a WWW-rated stallion for 200,000 when previously it would have gone for anywhere between 500,000 and 4,000,000 (depending on age, color, breed, and stats), you know the game is in serious trouble. The same horses appear in the sales listings month after month, where before, they would have been snapped up in a day or so. Horses with high breeding fees go unbred, because players don't have the game currency to breed to them -- before last August, those would have reached their breeding limits on the first day of rollover (aka the first day of the month).
As other reviewers have said, the chat is cliquish (and the forums are just as bad - the clicques just love to pile on players there), and if you complain about game mechanics in open chat, be prepared to be chastised by regular players as well as by the moderators (and God forbid the site owner is on and watching -- she'll drop a chatban on you in a heartbeat. One player who said in open chat that she would no longer be spending real money on the game beyond her $10/quarterly membership fee every three months has been chatbanned since that day. Other players were banned from the game outright because they dared to say something Eve didn't like).
Breeding is rigged -- anything after your first three breedings per month, no matter how well rated those horses are, is likely to end up with a mediocre (or worse) rating. That is, unless you're one of the site owner's buddies, or a player who spends a lot of real money on the site -- buying in-game currency, or buying barns, pastures, and arenas. Keep feeding the site-owner's wallet, and she'll make sure you do well in the game (not a rumor -- this was told to me by one of the moderators). This is well-known to players, but is another forbidden topic that will get you a mute or a chatban, or have your forum post deleted.
Yes, the game is addictive (I've been there for 8 years), but like so many other players, now I only pay for my premium membership, and stopped participating in the special events that cost game currency. I participate only in member-run shows (where entry fees go to other members), and stopped entering the site shows, where entry fees are simply taken out of circulation. The same goes for the auctions -- member-run auctions only, and not the weekly HEE-run auction.
The so-called improvements that have been made in the last year are mostly money sinks -- they're mostly new tack in different colors, which costs in-game money. No thank you.
So if you want to give it a try, be aware that a lot of the welcoming players who would have helped you are gone, or rarely on, or may even have been banned from chat and can't answer you, and that chat is a minefield -- you'll be ignored because you're a newbie, or you'll be chastised by the mods because you dared to say the wrong thing. Your breeding results will be bad unless you spend a lot of real money on the site.
Good luck.

Sep 08, 2022
Love It
by: RiverView

Overall wonderful game. The graphics are amazing. But the only drawback is the chats. There is cussing and they are very critical of new players. If you accidentally put a sales in the general they basically yell at you for it. Cussing they will yell at you for. You will have like 50 people saying just deal with it if you do not like it get off the chats. They are not the kindest but it is a truly a good game.

May 02, 2022
Its pretty but...
by: Anonymous

Its pretty... the graphics... but the community is rude and the admin petty, and as others say you can't say anything even vaguely critical even if its a bug, sides are taken and they go with whoever they prefer. Save your time and go with a different horse game. They have people fixed to the keyboard screenshotting everything said anywhere.

Mar 27, 2022
On The Fence
by: Anonymous

The game is pretty solid, easy to play breeding sim game for horses. Most of the community is friendly, and it's fun to play. I've paid money into the game and it is well worth the price for the premium features it adds. Overall... a nice game.

But... warning. Do not make any complaints about this game in the public chat. The desperate keyboard warriors of HEE are out in force and they band together to shoot you down in flames. If you have any opinion, that is even slightly negative, keep it to yourself. This game does not welcome that opinion, players are set in clicks and the popular have the last say. It can get real ugly and the mods pick sides. So... just don't have an opinion that goes against the game, everyone gets insulted too quickly and doesn't want to accept that Horse Eden has any faults.

Jan 31, 2022
I want to play
by: Anonymous

I can't log in, I am not sure I even have an account. Help please.

Oct 19, 2021
by: Madi

Love, love, love. I'm Floresta Elites on the game, and have quickly fallen in love with the site! 100% recommend. I will say that the age restrictions have been upped to 16+, and the game can be touchy at times as it was made by a single person, and not a big company. It is not at all easy to figure out at first, so there's that too. But overall, the learning and coping is all worth it <3

Aug 18, 2021
Ugh kinda
by: Anonymous

They kicked me of bc of my age the THING SAYS 13 and UP! NOW ITS 16 and up!!! IT KICKED MY SIS OFF

Jun 11, 2021
How do i sign up?
by: Anonymous

Whenever I try and sign up, it just declines it.

Feb 04, 2021
great stuff
by: lusitanolover

I'm Olive Tree Equine on it and I find the game great, strategy combined with fun and laughs. Brilliant!

Jun 07, 2020
Rude Community and Moderators
by: Anonymous

First of all the site was really glitchy for me, links that went nowhere, to a wrong page, or just broke the site entirely. They released a feature to the game that I actually paid for and was enjoying the progress my horses were making with this new training feature.

A few weeks later I noticed my horses were suddenly not progressing as much. I asked about in the chat and someone told me the originally released content was flawed and giving horses too much progress, so it was "fixed." I wasn't pleased, I paid money for this content and I voiced my displeasure, politely I may add, it was my opinion that I should be given a refund or something other sort of compensation, as it wasn't my fault the content was originally glitched.

Another member was very rude to me about it and I attempted to explain my stance and defend myself, they kept being extremely rude and other members even said they were being overly harsh. A mod joined the chat and told ME to drop the subject. I explained that I had only asked a question and was being attacked, I was never rude, like the other person. I was told to stop talking about it or be booted from the chat. The other person rubbed this in my face, understandably I was angry and once more stated I didn't think I deserved to be treated this way for only asking a question. I was booted, and had to watch the chat as the rude person celebrated at my expense. Very rude, unprofessional and nasty staff and community.

The site is not that great either, it just hides behind a pretty facade, because the artwork is gorgeous.

Nov 27, 2019
Love this
by: Poppy Acres 257790

This is the best online horse game I have EVER played! It is so much fun. This game isn't too easy, but not too hard either. It is completely free unless you choose to buy something.

Jul 10, 2017
by: AHorseLovingGirl

Ethereal Stables is my stable name on HEE ;)

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