Horses :)

by horsewhisperergirl

My latest few pictures... I hope you like them and I am drawing more right now... Will post them when I get a few really good ones! I hope you enjoy these! I worked hard on them and I'm soooo happy the way they turned out!

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Your turn! Show Your Horse Art!.

Fire and Ice

by horsewhisperergirl

Here are two pictures of horses. They are not realistic but I got kind of bored just drawing realistic ones so I thought I would try something different...

Here they are... Fire and Ice!

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Your turn! Show Your Horse Art!.

Horse drawings (a few more!)

by horsewhisperergirl

Hi everyone! I am horsewhisperergirl. I have posted other drawings of horses and here are a few more. I really hope you like them!

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Your turn! Show Your Horse Art!.


by horsewhisperergirl

Here are three more of my latest drawings! They are some of my best yet. Two are not based off our mustangs but the first one is a picture of our 18-month old mustang eating.

When he eats he paws the ground viciously, there is a huge pit now where we feed him... He is my goof ball!

The other two are still good drawings, they just aren't based on pictures.

Hope you like!

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Your turn! Show Your Horse Art!.

My horse drawings

by horsewhisperergirl

Here are some more of my horse drawings based on pictures.

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Your turn! Show Your Horse Art!.

Whispers from horses

by horsewhisperergirl

I enjoy drawing horses. I have posted several other drawings of horses here...I go by the nickname horsewhisperergirl on here...I hope you like my drawings.

Most are based on pictures of our horses. If you like my drawings please comment to show support for me and my drawings...I could use encouragement because I struggle with finding confidence in myself around others.Enjoy the drawings!

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Your turn! Show Your Horse Art!.


by horsewhisperergirl

This a drawing based off a picture of one of my grandparents' mustangs.

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Your turn! Show Your Horse Art!.