Comments for Hope - Part 2

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May 06, 2012
by: Kelsei

I looooovvvveee this story! Good job! Please keep writing it:)

May 06, 2012
Hi Doree
by: Unicorn

Wow! This is BEAUTIFUL. Taylor is interacting with her environment sooooo well, you're very good at adding detail where it's needed. I like the dream; the wolf doesn't fit any stereotype that I know of, he's new and original.
The only suggestion I would have would be to add just a touch more emotion to Taylor's reaction when she learns that she's adopted. (If you're just not letting it sink in yet, you've pulled it off really well). But emotion at such a big twist is very difficult to write and I think you handled it well as it is. Thanks for sharing this lovely story.


For an example of my work, see "El Cheapo"

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