Pretty good! Just need to edit it a little! But I still say its good!
Feb 05, 2011 Rating
Beautiful by: Unicorn
Rayna, you gave me goosebumps with "I know of a shoreline... close to here... it's beautiful in the sunset." I love how your tone quietens to the end of the story. It's just beautiful.
Feb 03, 2011 Rating
great ending by: Pony
What a great ending. Although it seems to need a bit more detail and maybe it could have been a bit longer, I don't know. But It's very nice. You should make another story about a girl who is learning how to ride, and you could give all the details and what she thinks. It could be like a diary story, and at the end of every part, she writes in her journal. :) Just a thought!
Feb 02, 2011 Rating
weird by: Anonymous
i don't get the story. if uno already has a wife and kid why would he fall for another mare?