i also want a foal or just another horse and how do you heal those red spots on his body? i tried and tried.
May 08, 2011 Rating
here is all the help you need by: Anonymous
All you do is go on to the community and click in the forum and then the cards and trading and look for all sorts of things. If you cant get any credits you can buy foals with clops! (only if you are a silver star member) Or you can use supplies and trade it for that. If your mum wont give you the credits to be a silver star member i get her to top up my phone and that i pay with sms!! That way you can get all the credits you want without anyone knowing!!
Hope this helps
Nov 28, 2010 Rating
Yes there is by: Kona164
I think your friends can give stuff to you, if I find out how to do it, I'll tell you.