Hackney Pony

by Kristen N.

Elegant Stepper

Elegant Stepper

Believe it or not, this picture of mine only took about 30-45 minutes to take. I'm 11 years old and I have been drawing since I was in Pre-school. I proud of this one because of how I did the muscles and color. I also think that the blue eyes make it pop out. I would't done shading, but the program I use-PhotoImpact-isn't working properly.

Comments for Hackney Pony

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Feb 03, 2014
awesome hakney pony
by: stablegirl

wow i can't do that good well i am only 8 so what do you expect right?

best wishes ~ stablegirl

Feb 27, 2012
by: Shelby

I LOVE your Hakney Pony!!! You could make money creating these of poeples horses. I am broke. But I have amazing photo's of breath-taking horses I have, and have had. I took the pictures myself. And would be happy to send you them to start a business creating, logo's, cartoon stallions, and just art to sell. If you are interested, email me. I will send the photo's if you are interested. Price/Trade very flexible. Good luck with your stunning art!

Jul 01, 2011
Another Program
by: Anonymous

If you're having trouble with the program you use for shading, I would recommend downloading Gimp. Its completely free, and I use it a ton. Its super easy to figure out, too. Great picture!

Apr 09, 2011
by: Lekha

I love the hackney! They are my fave breed.I wish I could have one. You are amazing artist! I drew too, but I mostly sketch.

Jul 21, 2009
Very nice!
by: skymouth

I love the pose. Has nice overall movement in this one.

Jul 11, 2009
by: kayla

You are really good.
Im 11 to and Ive been drawing since I was able to hold a pencil.
I love horses and my school says Im the best artist.
They think all of my pictures turn out looking like real horses.

Jun 30, 2009
You are such a good artist!
by: Christina

This picture reminded me of one of the old horses I used to ride and it made my day!

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