
by Rayna
(Mesa, AZ, USA)



"Are you serious?" She exclaimed as she glared into my soft brown eyes. "Are you KIDDING me?" She asked again. "No.." I began. "Ya! Yes you are!" She cut in. "I'm not. I think a break is the best thing. Maybe until like Monday, then we can try to work it all out." I mumbled looking down at the ground. I could feel her cold silver eyes starring a hole into my head. "Of COURSE! You know what Emili? That is JUST LIKE YOU! You think a stupid 'weekend break' can solve everything! Don't you!" Amanda shouted at me. "I'm sorry Amanda, but" I could feel my voice cracking. A sign of weakness. Oh no! My lip began to quiver and my eyes became red hot. "Just, leave me alone!" Amanda demanded as she clenched her fists. "You know what! You leave me alone!"! My vision became blurred as the tears spilled out of my eyes. They wouldn't stop coming. "Emili! Come on! She's not worth it." Lily said sticking her tongue out at Amanda. "Of course. You little brat." I heard Amanda mumbled. "I'm sorry. She's a loser Emili. It's okay." Lily patted my shoulder. I wiped my tear stained face on my sleeve and I walked out to the front gate. I could feel Amanda's eyes burning my back as she thought about evil thoughts.

All the way home Lily was patting my back and telling me 'she's juts jealous of you!' We ended up joking around about Amanda falling off her horse Princess. She rode English, and of course she would. She was a snob. The whole argument had started when she insulted my buckskin mustang Tango. "He's just a fat old pony who can't even trot!" And that had just set me off!

"Hello Boy." I whispered into my horse's ear. He bopped he in the cheek with his muzzle, nearly knocking me over. "Hey!" I laughed scratching his muscly shoulder. He nickered and pawed the ground. "I understand. You can smell my anger. I'm sorry boy." I whispered into his fuzzy tan ear. He stared into my eyes. Tears had began to well up in them and He knew it. He allowed me to get between his head and back, and hug his shoulder. I quietly wept into his shoulder telling him all of the events that day. It was true, Tango was my best friend,and he was also the most understanding horse in the world.

"I'm sorry boy. I'm getting you all wet." I wiped the tears and fur from my eyes and hugged him again. "What do you say we go for a ride, just to get my mind off of things." He pricked his ears forward,and wheeled backwards. "Okay Okay." I giggled jogging over to the shed. There I grabbed the lead rope and whistled him over. He allowed me to easily clip on the rope,and I led him over to the 'pole' as we called it. I tied the rope onto it and picked his hooves, and rubbed him down. Once I was completely satisfied with my beloved mustang gelding, I grabbed both saddle pads, (he had a sensitive back) and Then the saddle. I checked it all over, then clipped on the girth.

When I finished lengthening the stirrups and hooking on the bridle, I un-clipped the rope and mounted with ease. His ears immediately flicked forward and he whinnied with joy. "Ha! I love you sweetie." I laughed as I patted his neck. "Now lets go have the time of our lives!" I clicked my tongue and he immediately galloped, I knew it was foolish not to warm him up first, but galloping was fun! I felt the cool December wind (it was 12/1/10) in my face. It zoomed through my soft brown hair as it whizzed past. Tango tossed his head and whinnied. "Whoo!" I called out. I slowed him down to a steady trot and led him towards the rode. There was a trail a mile away, and it was half the fun getting there! I loved trotting on the road. Being able to hear the beautiful tune of the "Clip clop clip clop" on the asphalt. Simply peaceful. I clicked my tongue again and kicked him up to a canter. It was wonderful. Suddenly a black imaged flicked past and a sudden "Hey!" Stopped me dead in my tracks. I pulled Tango to a stop so fast that he reared up almost unseating me. Tango immediately wheeled around to face the voice. There she was. Amanda. All dressed up in her pink jodhpurs and black riding jacket. Her stunning pink bejeweled boots glittered in the sunlight. Her horse's tack was just pathetic. The hot pink saddle pad, boots, bridle,and reigns were all bejeweled. And worst of all, her saddle was light pink! "This is a REAL horse! Princess here, is not a sloppy old nag like that!" She turned her nose up in the air and turned Her horse around to see me. The horses touched noses and greeted each other, but Amanda immediately drew her horse away and said,"Gross! Keep that thing away from my princess!"

It went on like that for a few minutes until Tango began to get a little impatient. "Can I leave?" I asked. "No! How rude of you! This is why you have no friends!" I ignored that last comment and turned Tango around. "Hey! Emili! I'm talking to you!" Amanda shouted. I clicked my tongue and Tango began to canter.

I suddenly heard a burst of hooves behind me and a chill went up my spine. I was told not to be afraid, but I was. I could picture what would happen next. Amanda cantered beside me and she leaned over. "Hang on COWGIRL!" She laughed. She took a bag of those little popping gunpowder sacks that you toss on the ground on fourth of July and new years eve. Soddenly, she grabbed a handful and chucked them at Tango's rump! I gasped as they popped on his back sending tiny clouds of smoke through the air. He immediately began to gallop as fast as he could! Then he stopped so suddenly, I flew right up onto his poll! Then he reared,and my butt fell hard on the leather saddle. He began to rear and buck and then he ran in circles!

Amanda laughed as she trotted away with her horse leaving me desperately hanging on for dear life on a wild horse.

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Drama - Part 2

by Rayna
(Mesa, AZ, USA)



I opened my eyes and looked up at the rain as it dripped onto my face, and flowed into the meadow. I smelled the sweet aroma of it, and smiled at the foggy black clouds. "Wait a second." I had just remembered what had happened to me. Amanda had come and... "AMANDA!" I thought angrily. She did this to me!

I desperately tried to sit up, but my body would not respond. I couldn't even talk! All I could get out was a low moan. "Come on Come on!" I thought as I tried again to move even a muscle, but nothing would listen! I guessed I was paralyzed, and just lay there. I was able to move my neck about an inch, but as I did, A rush of feeling came over me. My forehead felt read hot, and I felt VERY nauseous and helpless. The feeling came over me like a gust of wind, starting at my forehead, and traveling all the way down to my limp, numb toes.

§≥*****Amanda had just finished latching Princess's stall, when a sudden rush of guilt over came her. "That fall she had." Amanda thought. "It seemed pretty bad. I hope she's okay." She sulked inside with a very glum, guilty look on her face. Her forehead was crinkled in thought as she pictured what could have been happening to Emili right now. Angry wolves could be tearing her apart, a wacko dude could kidnap her, and she could even be run over by a car! "Luckily." she thought. "There are no cars on that road because of the construction."*****≥§

I opened my eyes again, this time to a freezing gust of wind that blew my hair into my face. I desperately tried to get it out of my mouth with my tongue. "Please let somebody find me!" I thought. I felt as though I was glued to the ground, and shoved between two rocks so I couldn't move. It was awful! It also felt as though a giant boulder was on top my chest, making it almost impossible to breath.

§≥*****The feeling of guilt had become greater, and Amanda had this seriously huge feeling to go and check on Emili. She kept putting it off, however the more she did, the bigger it would be when it came back. "That's it!" She thought. Amanda pulled on her pink bejeweled boots again and raced out the house and down the road. "I hope she okay!"*****≥§

I suddenly heard footsteps. "Mom?" I thought. I tried to call out, but all that came out was "Mmnhmhnmnh" Followed by a groan of pain. Emili!" I heard a strangely familiar voice call. Who was that? I thought as a shape came into view.

§≥*****Amanda peered around the spot with the horse tracks in the dirt. That was where Tango had stumbled and dumped Emili. Although Amanda hadn't seen where she had fallen."Emili!" She called. Suddenly,a low moan came from in the ditch. "Emili!" Amanda sighed with relief. She stared down at the girl. She was laying completely still, with her arms to her side,and her led pinned together. Her face was a sickly green color, and she was pale. Very pale. "This doesn't look good." Amanda thought.*****≥§

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