Comments for Damage - Chapter 3

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Jun 29, 2013
by: Sadee

No hard feelings right. I am so sorry I never noticed they were kind of the same. You were the one that made me want to write this book it has been stuck in my journal forever and when I found this site I read yours and wrote mine I added a little more detail and I am so super sorry it sounds a lot like yours. I hope you forgive my mistake, Alex.

- Sadee

Jun 26, 2013
by: Alex

Your book is really good! But what's bugging me is the first part. I'm the author of In A Moment and your horse has the exact same issues as mine, meaning the scar and being attacked by wolves. I'm not mad but I did upset me at first. I just wanted you to know that you need to be careful when doing that because some people can get really mad. I just would appreciate it if you wouldn't copy my things any more. But anyway! Your book has come along really well! It has bridged off from what happened in mine and has taken its own path! I like it a lot so far! Keep writing your own things!

May 11, 2013
by: Sadee

They think she is too young and doesn't know anything about horses.

May 10, 2013
Why won't you listen!
by: Elizabeth

Why wouldn't that person listen to the girl!!and stop whipping her! oops, sorry I was acting like you were the one causing the trouble. This is a good one!

May 06, 2013
Your story
by: Kelsey

Your story is so sad! Please make a 4th one! Read my one! It's called, "Starlight's Wish"! Bye Bye!

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