Cantering Arabian

by Nora
(Brussels, Belgium)

This is something I decided to draw one day.. it used a normal 2B pencil and a sketchbook (A4). So I didn't use anything " special " to get this level of art into the drawing. This took me around 5-8 hours. The quality of the picture of the drawing isn't so great so mehh ... And I had to shrink the photo because the original size was around 4MB.

Comments for Cantering Arabian

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Dec 20, 2009
The Drawing
by: Nora

I've been drawing my whole life and I've had ton of inspiration from artists online and people I know in real life, including some of my art teachers. But I have not taken any art classes out of my school work. So I still have plenty of room to improve in.

Dec 12, 2009
Stunning horse drawing!
by: Sydney

Nora, that is an absolutely gorgeous horse drawing. Very beautiful! How did you learn to draw like that??

Dec 18, 2009
Very Nice!
by: Anonymous

That is a very good drawing you made! Although, you could make the thighs a bit smaller, and the tail larger, but good job!

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