
by Anna

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This book was one of the greatest books I have ever read about horses!

A new born Foal is living a happy life with his caring owner,his mother, and his old friend named Frank! As he grows older his owner trains him and soon becomes the fastest horse in the entire fire station! After a nasty fall injuring his owner and killing his friend Frank he is then put up for auction! the man who does not care about anything but money.

Will he survive the cruelty or not? That's your job to find out!

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Good stuff
by: skymouth

This is an old favorite of mine! I'm an adult and STILL pick it up to read every once in a while!

by: Rebecca

Oh, how I love that book! I found it in my mum's bookcase of books from when she was young... our copy has nearly fallen apart it's been read so many times!

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