Comments for Banning on HorseIsle

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by: Anonymous

I want to warn you guys about the people you hang out with on HI1 and HI2. I got banned but they don't ever say why, I mean? How is someone to fix themselves when they have no clue what they did? I feel like HI should really start telling players why they are banned because it is very annoying. I only joined a day ago. -.-

I'm so mad
by: amberbrown

I was playing my game and I did not do anything wrong. I was being my self on there and somehow I got banned for life.

I miss my friends, my horses. I did not do anything wrong. I was being so happy just caring for my horses and next day I logged on it told me I am banned :/

I tried make another one and it said sorry, no longer making new one.

Banning? I guess?
by: ShiningArmor

So I just created a new Eternal account because my old one is long gone, and logged into it. I began creating my profile and all was well, when I mis-typed something and some keys wouldn't work. I thought it was a little bug because those keys worked elsewhere, so I logged out. Now when I try to log in, it won't recognize my password, and says it is 'wrong'. I have one more attempt, even after changing my password, refreshing the page, contacting support and logging into the browser page (with ease!). I don't know what to do. I haven't been emailed or anything, I just can't get in.

Banned for Nothing
by: Heidi R

They told me that I logged into my friends account and was stealing money when she would send me stuff. Me and her got into an argument and she told them I was stealing so I would get banned. I am now "Banned for Life". I just started to establish myself.

by: Anonymous

I got banned for something some else did!!! on horseisle 2 lifecycle!!! I wish there is a way to get on with no one knowing you are banned!!! but I have 2 mod buddies so that will not work when they are on!


i got 3 strikes, so if i get mad i get 2. i has 1 strike and never again will i play horse isle.

HorseIsle2 Banned again
by: Anonymous

So i'm banned on HorseIsle2 for like the 3rd time. Can they ban you for life? Or not? I'm pretty sure they can and that scares me because I think this is it for me..

Another Account
by: Anonymous

I made another account and I got banned! I told them but they never answered!!!! I hope I'm not banned permanently! Make sure you only make ONE account!

Got banned a little advice
by: Anonymous

I got banned for nothing. Someone in horse Isle violated me for something I didn't do. I just got banned. Look on other sites to see if they are help. I saw on one site that you can be banned forever and some just 5 months others half a year!

I wish they would tell you why you got banned. I would go to the help center and go to the bottom and tell them what happened, they got back to me under 10 min. They asked me questions that you have to answer at the beginning so they know your the right person.

Then they emailed me and asked me who's my favorite friends was, I got banned because my friend went on my account never let your friends have your passwords. Even if they say they won't go on it don't trust them.

If you go to the help center scroll to the very bottom I think it will say change password in white I clicked that then your set to a new adventure. Never go on your friends accounts that is how I think I got banned.

by: Vega;tori

I get banned for 60 DAYS, 2 months, 8 weeks! For simply NOTHING! And, TheCougar, when you try to do a new account with the same e-mail, you get banned permanently! I tried to make several accounts after i get banned!

by: Anonymous

i did nothing i mostly did not even talk so i'm mad, horse isle 2 is great but doesn't talk!!!!!!!!!! you can get banned for nothing soo play on the safe side!!!!!!!
good luck lol don't get banned

by: TheCougar (Bay server)

When you first joined the game, there were loads of rules, most of them logical. But even as I play the game, I still get waved for misspelled words that turn out to be rather rude. You get a certain amount of violation points on your account for each assault. Other players can report you even if you've done absolutely nothing. Once you have so many vios the moderators (mods) ban you, unfortunately, from ever playing.

If you honestly did nothing to warrant the banning, I suggest you just make another account, different user name and password, and simply be more careful with your conduct towards the others and watch what you type. :)

If you're slightly worried about rejoining, try to find my earlier piece titled "Horseisle and an Overview on Conduct". Luck!

by: Anonymous

would you be banned for making an account on lc then one on eternal?

Not ever playing
by: Rhys


I agree completely! this game IS NOT worth it, DONT play it.

Waste of Time game
by: DorothyAnn

This game banned me! Horse isle 2 is better. I'll never play horse isle again.

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