i think you should start a fund raiser to earn money, i've tried it. it works! good luck!!!!
Apr 20, 2012 Rating
Thanks :)))) by: Sara
thanks u guys! it really helps :)
Apr 19, 2012 Rating
hey try doing yard work by: wild mustangs rock
i tried doing yardwork and i have enough money to buy a horse and my dad he pays child support. But my sister's dad (we are half sisters) hasn't been paying child support since she was 3 and now she is almost 19.
Apr 19, 2012 Rating
Working by: charlotte collins(author of runningwell equestrian centre)
Hi, I am from England and live in Essex. I work down my local equestrian centre on a sunday, helping out around the yard, tacking up clients mounts and assisting and leading in lessons. I know that you can't do this around the house but ask around your local stables and see whether you could work for them.
Hope this helps!! Charlotte
Apr 19, 2012 Rating
Good Luck! by: Rayna
You could babysit, that's what I do. Also, ask if you could volunteer at your barn! Barns always need work! You know, feeding, mucking stalls, cleaning tack, stuff like that! That's a great (and fun) way to earn money! :) Yard sales are good too! and don't forget about lemonade stands or bake stands!