Almost Runs Like A Deere
by Lynn Witmer
(Palmyra, PA, USA)
This is a really unique halloween horse and rider costume. Very impressive! We asked Lynn to explain how she made it.
How did you come up with your costume idea?
Looking around my environment, google, Facebook, etc
How did you make it?
Sleazy, cooler, cardboard, dowel rods, spray paint, green material, foam rings, electrical tape, pins, shipping boots, craft foam, help from husband😊
How much does it cost?
Probably about $50
Where did you wear it?
Costume contest
How did people react?
Loved it. Amazed horse tolerated it, especially back tires bouncing around.
How did your horse like it?
He was a superstar. Not concerned at all, even when I was lifting the “cab” over me.