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Dec 25, 2011
by: Kassi

Thanks for your advice.

however i'm going about it at a different way. He runs with his head low already. I want his head up. the first few times a ride him im just gonna run him first so he's tired then work with him. I hope it works because i don't want the lazy doppey horse he is on the ground to be him all the time. one of the reasons i bought him was because he's hard to handle when riding.

Dec 22, 2011
by: Anneka

My sister has a horse just like that, she is so calm on the ground but as soon as you get on her she is off.... can barely stop her! But they get along real well. Suzy is 25... but she acts like she is two!
Maybe he was born too run? He might love it!
Don't lunge heaps--- it gets to the horse's head.
You might have to retrain him, all over again from the basics.
Also, I'm told, keep his head below the withers, because it shuts their "adrenalin" off. I know you want all that adrenalin but sometimes, you need to shut it off... on the ground, that is apparently how you do it.
Try natural horsemanship. It could help allot!
And practice stopping, like, HEAPS. Maybe you can teach him a different signal to slight pressure on the reins and sit deep and squeeze?
For instance: I taught my first horse to trot beside me on the ground, and my signal was jogging on the spot.
Hoped this helped ! :)

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