you don't have a horse. it also helps for getting a horse to be your lifetime dream and having toy horses and posters and saying your horse crazy because of it is fine, if you were me you would understand it's like saying Christmas is not about turkeys and presents well it is.
Oct 01, 2011 Rating
ok yes by: lucinda
ok yes horse crazy does mean to think about horse everyday and dream about them but going to rodeos and stuff well you dont have to go to rodeos and stuff to be horse crazy you just have to love them wish you have one (if you don't)and think about them. your stupid it doesn't hurt to have posters of them around your room or anything seriously how would you even know? do you have a pony?
Sep 26, 2011 Rating
I understand by: Anna
I totally understand! I love my horses and its not fair for horses to be bought away at least. I would cry day and night year by year if my horses were just bought away like that or died for something so powerful like a bullet because my horses keep the scary out of my life.
Oct 07, 2011 Rating
cant by: Shanes Bold Prancer
I cant go to rodeos and shows and stuff because there is no horses here but i'm just as horse crazy as you.