What you need to do is put her on a calm horse in an arena and just leave her there...It'd be impossible Not to fall in love with horses! Good luck, hope your able to get back in the saddle soon (Or ride bareback I guess lol) :P
May 17, 2011 Rating
I know how you feel by: Kaitlyn
Oh my. That must have been an exciting third lesson! I hope no one was hurt! :[ Also I know how parents can be, but its just because they don't want to see you hurt! My parents are the same. During one lesson my horse smashed into two jumps and bolted down the arena. I went flying off of him and it was very scary. My parents seen the whole thing (and my parents don't agree with me riding, "Unpredictable animals"they say") I am now not aloud to ride that horse ever again.
I hope you do ride someday! Its the best thing in the world! Good luck!:]