It's okay! I know how you feel! I've never fallen before. But a horse bolted with me on its back just about two weeks ago! It was really scary! But I trusted God and I prayed. And I didn't fall. My teacher didn't even let me off the horse! She put us on a lunge line and had us trot again. Then she took us off. She had me counting the whole time through. Pray to God for confidence to get back on the horse next time i ride. Ask him to help you! And get right back on the horse! Did you know, counting calms your breathing and makes your heart your heart calm down a little. It's cool! And the next time I went back to classes to ride, I couldn't wait to ride! I was on a different horse though. Her name is Thalia. Pronounced: Talea. She's a pinto Chincoteague pony who was abused for six years. She was a killer. Thankfully she didn't kill anyone. But she hurt a lot of people. I've only ridden her for a few months and I changed her life. She has never once pined her ears at me or kicked, bucked, reared, or bitten me! If you want to find out about her, go to "Cool Horse Stories" And find my name! I tell you all about her.
Good luck!
Mar 07, 2013 Rating
I completly understand by: Anonymous
Try starting out in a round pen with a proper instructor. Build your confidence from the ground up that happened to me one time. I was too lucky horse shoes on my chest for about 2 months. It's a terrible feeling to lose your confidence. I really understand how you feel.
Jan 01, 2011 Rating
FEAR OF RIDING by: Carrigan
I had been riding for a year at the time when I had my big fall off of a pony at a show. I lost all of my confidence for jumping! My back hurt for weeks I couldn't even canter! Let alone trot! Now I'm to afraid to try but I miss it so much!
Here's my tip. Its sounds crazy but it is true. Even though that fear and constant memory of that fall fills you get back on the horse. Worse falls have happened! Just try! I am starting to jump in a couple of weeks and I am nervous but I remember how much I loved it.
Feb 10, 2010 Rating
i had bad fall got straight back on and i was fine!!! build your confidence and you'll do it!!!
Oct 14, 2009 Rating
hope it helps by: Aussie girl
i have taught people where i work that if you have had a fall, just get straight back on
get on a quiet horse and have it lead around if you like, do this over and over again then you can go around by yourself if you like then once your confidence grows you can go on types of horses then..
i have had so many responses from people saying that they went from being scared of going towards their own horse to going to shows, cantering, jumping, anything really,, give it time and you'll get there :)
Hope that helped,, :)
Oct 09, 2009 Rating
I had a bad fall to! by: Anonymous
I had a very bad fall a couple weeks ago,and i was SCARED TO DEATH to get back on to. I didn't want to stop riding cuz i have a true passion for it. The trick is to get on a very well behaved horse so when you get on one that is a little tougher, it won't be as tuff. Hope this helps!
Nov 25, 2009 Rating
Try... by: Olivia
Try having a group lesson if possible. It dosen't have to be a lot of people, 1 is just fine. Make sure u are on a good pony, and with the other rider in the ring u will be more relaxed!