Comments for People keep insulting my horse

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Oct 21, 2019
by: HorseGirl

I completely agree with Mary Ashley. Your horse is so beautiful! And so is your tack!

Jan 01, 2019
That's terrible!
by: Mary Ashley

Hi! I'm Mary! Just ignore them. And eventually they will stop. I'm the youngest in my family. I've always been picked on and bossed around. And I've been told I'm an idiot, that I'm stupid, and ugly. So I know how poor Holly feels.

God made all horses beautiful for their own time. Maybe your friends are just jealous. So ignore them and say you won't talk to them or ride with them or play with them until they stop picking on Holly.

If that doesn't work, then just fight back. But be kind. But also defend your horse and yourself. Don't give them another reason to do what they're doing. Sometimes what I do is I recite bible verses to people who are picking on me. That makes me feel a whole lot better! So try that maybe.

I saw the pictures of Holly up the top. He/she is beautiful! He/she is not fat, or skinny. He's perfect.

Good luck!

- Mary Ashley

Dec 09, 2018
Don't listen to them!
by: HorseGirl

Your horse is gorgeous! They are probably jealous of your horse and your saddle so try to ignore them. I know that it isn't very easy at all but just remember that your horse is super gorgeous! And your saddle sounds awesome! They are probably jealous of your saddle even more than you think because it sounds like it is a beautiful saddle!

Mar 31, 2018
be bothered by it
by: simone

I think Holly is beautiful! If those meanies keep talking about her like that, you should talk to the barn manager, owner, or instructor. If they don't care, tell your parents. If nothing changes even after that, it might be time to move Holly to another barn, but only as a last resort. Make sure the mean people know that they are the reason you're leaving.

Mar 17, 2018
Don't Listen to Them!
by: Sally

In my opinion, all horses and ponies are beautiful. Your horse Holly looks so cute! Next time they say something like that about her, tell them to leave you alone or just tell them that she's your horse and it doesn't matter how they see her. It matters how you see her.

Dec 07, 2017
I know what to do!
by: Anonymous

Next time they talk about Holly that way just ignore them. I know that it is not easy but they are probably just jealous of Holly. If you keep ignoring them they will stop. But just next time they are mean remember that it is not true! And also remember that all of us here are with you. And just think about how much Holly means to you. It really does not matter about how a horse looks if it has a really pretty inside. But just remember I am with you because it has happened to me before!

Oct 15, 2017
Dont worry!
by: Becca

Hi! Ignore what people say about your horse! If you love your horse, it's all that matters! God created it, and that's how God wanted it to be. Also, I think your horse is beautiful! :)

Oct 14, 2017
Your horse is not ugly!!!!!
by: Ali

Every horse that was created by the Lord is beautiful and never let them get to you. It doesn't matter what they think. all that matters is that you think she's beautiful. ust don't listen to them.

Oct 07, 2017
by: Horseygurl

I think Holly is such a cutie! I so would like her but those girls better watch there behinds! Do you not have any other friends that could come with you and help you talk some sense into those bratty girls? Just curious.

Oct 05, 2017
So, So, So, So Sweet, Adorable, Pretty, Cute and Beatiful!
by: #somean#sopretty

Your horse is the most beautiful horse I've ever seen. She's not fat, skinny or ugly at all! I bet those ******* are just jealous because your horse is more beautiful and possibly more athletic and stronger then their horses. And the way you describe your saddle it sounds like it's really good quality.

You need to stand up for yourself. If I was you I would say "Are you kidding me? No true horse lover would insult a horse like that, especially not one as pretty as Holly. If you have a problem with her or us as a pair you should tell me nicely or keep it to yourself. You have no right to be rude to me and my horse, and you better stop or you will be sorry."

Then you need to do something really dramatic like galloping away or dismissing her with a wave of your hand for good measure.

Your horse is beautiful (and I'm really jealous)!

Sep 10, 2017
by: Anonymous

Holly is drop dead gorgeous. If I had a horse like that I wouldn't care what anyone says about her. I know what skinny and fat horses look like on account of having rescued 3 horses and let me just tell you right now your horse looks perfect. Block them out of your head, keep your heels down, chin up, and have fun!

Jul 24, 2017
The outside doesn't matter
by: EmmaLovesSiracco

They're probably jealous that you had a horse before them. Now they're just trying to get a rise out of you so you'll get jealous of them. Don't pay any attention to them! Tell an adult at your barn (the owner, your trainer etc.)

Also, the outside of your horse doesn't matter (even though she's adorable), she seems like a very sweet pony! Good luck to you two!

P.S. Did I mention she's adorable???

Jul 18, 2017
You're amazing!
by: Hoofprints in the Clouds

I just have to say, YOU GO GURL!!! I wouldn't have had the courage to stand up to those girls.

It's not the outside of the horse that matters anyway. It's their personality! But I'm positive your horse is BEAUTIFUL!

Good luck with those nasty girls!

Jul 14, 2017
Ignore them
by: Anonymous

OMG! I know what you are dealing with and it stinks! Just ignore them and find barn friends that like you for you and your horse for your horse. Leave the mean girls behind. Soon they will forget about how mean they were. Who knows, maybe you guys could be friends again!

May 25, 2017
by: SoonBeRiding

Wow those girls sound mean.

I say take a deep breath, then the next time they say mean stuff, tell them how you feel. She might knock it off.

If she does not stop, TELL YOUR MOM or DAD, this is called bullying and it's not good and if you have to, tell her mom or dad.

If you don't know her parents well then try to bring your mom or dad along too.

By the way your horse is so pretty! All horses are. Though I would say that about any horse :)

So good luck and many blessings!

Feb 17, 2017
by: Horselover13

Your horse sounds awesome. But those girls are real mean! They probably feel sad that they need to make you feel sad. I say that you tell the barn owner and tell the girls' parents. If the girls parents are not approachable then tell your parents and ask them to talk to their parents.

Dec 18, 2016
by: Macy

Awesome horse, I may know what is going on, lots of girls get jealous of people's horses. So to make themselves feel better they make fun of your horse! And your horse is certainly not fat or skinny, he/she is in perfect shape! And you have to remember God made horses all different just like humans. Try to just forget about what the girls' said, but if anything gets out of hand I suggest telling an adult who will take care of it the easy way!

Dec 09, 2016
She's beautiful!
by: Heartbeat for horses

How dare they say that about your horse! Holly is gorgeous! I recommend talking to the barn owner or manager about it. You're doing nothing wrong, your standing up for your best friend (holly).

Hang in there!

Oct 18, 2016
by: hoofbeats

You're so lucky! I LOVE your horse! God made her like that and every horse is different!!

Sep 29, 2016
me 2
by: Anonymous

Hey... People were talking about my horse badly and saying mean things about him too. Not as bad as this though. I just ignored them. Every horse is going to be different from someone else's.

I have a quarter horse and they always have bigger builds... Its just the way they were made.. People were calling him fat and pudgy.... I just ignored them. He was in perfect condition.

People are just jealous. So are these girls. Your horse is adorable. And I'm jealous of her! But I won't say mean things because I'm happy for you that you have a great horse! Let people say what they want. Just ignore them.

Sep 20, 2016
My advice
by: Jordan

I detest those girls!!!!! I wanna storm up to them and say, "What makes you think that? Why do you ride? You insulted Holly, who is COMPLETELY AWWW-DORABLE. And gold, not fake plastic, riders will never ever imagine insulting a horse like that! You're a bully!!"

Sorry, too dramatic? Anyway, some girls are just nasty. Why not say, "Whaaat? The horse of yours is nice, and I was trying to make mine look like yours! Maybe I'm not an expert at that, any advice of yours?

Aug 17, 2016
by: AHorseLovingGirl

Just ignore them...really! Just ignore them! Don't fight them but show them love and be nice in return. And also remember, they obviously aren't horse crazy!! No horse crazy girl would say that about horses! They are not riding for horses. They are riding for who knows what! Just not for horses.

Hope this helped! Oh! And here's a tip! Just remember this when you are angry with someone and want revenge, to have the last word... etc. Think of this: WWJD. That stands for What Would Jesus Do?! Just think. Would Jesus get back at them? I don't think that He would completely ignore them either. He would be nice to them and show love towards them. So ALWAYS remember: WWJD! (That goes towards everyone here! Everyone needs to know this!) ;)

Jul 14, 2016
by: Jumper 123

OMG! No, don't listen to them. Your horse is beautiful and they are just jealous. It would prolly really bother me too if some gang of girls were teasing my pony. Just don't bite the hook!

May 30, 2016
What are they thinking?
by: Eventer at heart

OMG! I have no idea what those girls are thinking! From those photos your horse is amazing! She looks so cute and adorable! Trust me, my horse is a fat little pony that is fluffy and has an enormous mane that I can never brush but I still love him and that's all that matters! If you love Holly and know that she is really beautiful (which she definitely is) then it doesn't matter! Those girls are probably just jealous of you, especially the one who loved her but then you bought her, so just ignore them. Whenever they make fun of her just think of how much you love her and how lucky you are to have a horse and who cares!

Apr 28, 2016
It doesn't matter what they think
by: Anonymous

It doesn't mater what they think. All horses are beautiful. If you really want to drive them insane, compliment their horses/tack. Pay back evil for good. Trust me, it works. You are very lucky to even have a horse. (P.S. Your horse is gorgeous!)

Feb 12, 2016
You know what?
by: Crazyhorselover

You know what, I can not believe they said that to YOUR horse!!!! When I first saw your pic of your horse I thought that horse is sooo beautiful!! And it's true!! Are they blind or what? That girl who fell off your horse is not a good rider, she should've got back on the horse and not blamed it on your horse!!!! Those girls are unbelievable, don't know anything about tack, I could go on FOREVER!!! I love how you braided your horse/pony's mane/tail today. Your horse is beautiful and you look awesome on her!!!! I ride too!!!!

Feb 09, 2016
by: Anonymous

I can't believe they said that in front of your face. I would have lost my temper a lot sooner. I am 12 years old, I like horses, skiing, adventure, art and singing.

Jan 02, 2016
by: keely

Holly is pretty and cute why would they say that. just love your horse for what it is. If you love her then she is perfect.

Dec 25, 2015
Nothing wrong with Holly
by: Jumper

There is nothing wrong with Holly. If your "Friend" think that there is just because she fell off, she has no horse knowledge. It isn't the horse to blame when you fall off. Did you tell her that? And Holly is very pretty and VERY CUTE. They might all be jealous? I don't know, but they don't sound like very good friends to me. And maybe you should just try to stay away from them. Thats all i have to say.


Nov 16, 2015
Cute Pony
by: Anonymous

I agree with horse lover, God made your pony wonderful and cute.

Nov 06, 2015
by: Anonymous

I hate it when that happens! I just don't get brave enough to say that. I used to go to a stable where there were tons of Appaloosa and American paints, and other gorgeous horses. The horse I rode was just brown, they made fun the instructor hated me. I gave them 3 chances like you should do with a bully and the fourth time I told the instructor and my Mom. They all were banned for 3 lessons. My advice: give them 3 chances then on the fourth time, tell your instructor and parent.

Oct 26, 2015
by: Anonymous

Try ignoring them. This works really well with my brother.

Sep 29, 2015
Count To 3
by: Sarah14

Your horse is very cute and pretty. Those girls are just bullies. Next time they say something like that just count to 3 and breathe slowly. It really does work.

Sep 11, 2015
I totally love your horse!
by: nvcowgrrl

Is that your horse? Wow, she looks sonice and pretty. I don't see what's ugly about her and anyway one of my horses is exactly like her except mine is a gelding and called Ivy.

Aug 22, 2015
Well, here's what I can say
by: Sarah

There's a fine line between teasing and insulting. Before confronting the BM make sure that they aren't really just trying to work you up or are saying things and not understanding how much it really does affect you. I have a group of friends who were like that. They'd tease me a lot because that is what friends do. But it got extreme and I started feeling depressed about myself. I'd kindly ask them to stop but they didn't get it. Eventually, I explained how it had affected me greatly and then they stopped. The thing is, words are strong. After a while you will literally start believing they're true.
Instead of losing your temper go to her and tell her to knock it off. Tell her how it really upsets you and affects you and your horse's riding experience. Maybe she'll knock it off. Even then if she doesn't, I understand how you feel. But she's obviously jealous or still has a grudge against the horse. Ignore her-she's trying to get a reaction out of you because she's mad about her own life so don't give it to her. And tell the BM. Your horse is amazing and was created to be the way it was-all horses are beautiful.
I hope this helped!

Mar 05, 2015
Pay No Mind
by: horse_lover_04

Do you know that your horse is pretty? YES U DO! So pay NO attention to those girls your horse is BEAUTIFUL! God made your horse how she/he is and God NEVER makes any mistakes. Keep your head high and pay no mind to those Bullies that call themselves your friends. I honestly think they are jealous. Your horse is perfect and so are you!

God Bless


Jan 23, 2015
Beautiful horse!!!!!
by: Devyn

Whoever thinks your horse is ugly must be blind.
Your horse is so beautiful!!!

Dec 01, 2014
They are jealous!
by: Alyssa the horse gentler

Okay your friends are jealous of him or her do they have a horse? HE or SHE is so pretty and so are you. Together you two are perfect!!If they do have a horse they are still jealous!!!So just enjoy your horse!!

Aug 20, 2014
oh and btw
by: seneesha

what ever u do don't make fun of their horses the thing is just gonna get more complicated and i feel sorry for those poor horses who have mean owners and try not to lose ur temper. i know its hard even i would have been bursting try to keep cool and CHILL. dude i think even the most ugliest horses are the most cutest cuz they look messy and grumpy SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ADORABLE UR PONY IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUUUUUTTTTTEEEEE AHHHHHHHHH i'm losing control i always lose control over any animal.

Aug 20, 2014
by: seneesha

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG YOUR HORSE IS THE CUTEST I HAVE SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE/SHE IS SOOOOOOO CUTE U R MEGA LUCKY TO HAVE HER/HIM oh and btw those bullies are just meanies who cares what they say. u know what ur horse is and that's all that matters if they start telling u things like that just ignore and groom or do something with the horse or continue what ever u were doing. ( if i had a horse i soooooo wish i had one *sighs*) so just ignore them so they would just get tired cuz u have no response and they will eventually stop! ;)

Jul 13, 2014
by: Anonymous

Just laugh you know your horse is beautiful and your saddle too, and that's all that matters.

Jun 16, 2014
Stay Strong
by: Anonymous

Good for you!! you stood up for ur horse..... sometimes its hard people look at horse that they are never good enough.... but your horse is beautiful!!!!!!!!! never doubt that :)

Jun 05, 2014
u need new freinds
by: Ab

some evil person calling your gorgeous horse ugly won't make theirs any prettier, it makes them uglier. They are just a bunch of mean bullies i don't care what they say and you shouldn't either. Your horse is pretty! As a matter of fact, I think that they are jealous because they must have heard somebody talking about it. Or they may have compared them.

P.S: those people are NOT your friends. Friends are people who like each other and are nice to each other and DON'T CRITICIZE OR ENVY ONE ANOTHER THINGS!!! in other words, u need new friends. They won't be hard to find and by the looks of how you are, i would want to be your REAL friend.

May 02, 2014
right here with ya
by: Anonymous

so my mare and i get made fun over because she is the eventing quarter horse who is afraid of saddle pads and i am the one who works around the barn so my mare doesn't get pastured at night. But just ignore them.

Apr 28, 2014
heres an idea..
by: Anonymous

good work so far, keep on confronting them but DON'T loose your temper. it looks immature and lame.... also, try to find a comment to say like "oh, hey, whats that on your..... horses.... behind????" but DON'T bend down to their level.

Feb 26, 2014
Jealousy everywhere!
by: Anonymous

Ugh, I've been in your situation before. My so called "friend" was always on my case saying my dogs were ugly (she knows how much I love them). Once she said "your dogs are really ugly", so I lost it and said "you're no prize either!", she shut up then. Just know that people, for God knows what reason, find pleasure in bringing others down, because they're not happy with themselves. Just hold your head up high and don't let their words bother you. Your horse is stunning and they're just jealous. "They either want to kiss you, kill you or be you" ;)

Feb 05, 2014
thnx guys!
by: author

Thanks everyone! Good thing the worst girl left the barn! Everything is great now!

Jan 30, 2014
Don't worry!
by: Lizzy

I think your horse is really pretty! I think you should tell the barn manager what's going on and don't worry about what those girls think. They are just jealous! It's as simple as this: Every horse is different. As long as they are healthy and happy, they are just fine!

Jan 11, 2014
by: Kathy

Those girls are just jealous of your horse. No horse can truly be ugly if someone truly loves horses. That only proves those girls just want to be popular, and they may not truly care about there horses/ponies.

Jan 03, 2014
by: Anonymous

Your horse is prettier than mine.

Dec 29, 2013
by: GoldenPiper

I agree with Unicorn! You should tell the barn manager. And maybe you should read the Chestnut Hill books by Lauren Brooke. They have bullies that talk about there horses. And Holly looks like a nice, sound, GORGEOUS pony.

Dec 16, 2013
by: Unicorn

At least there is one comfort for you in this situation - these mean girls' comments don't hurt Holly. She doesn't care what they say!
But I can understand very well how much their cruel words must hurt you. Some people will back off once you stand up to them, and some will get bored and leave you alone if you ignore them, which could be worth a try; but you get the odd person who just keeps on for their own shallow satisfaction. There are plenty of motivations for their actions - jealousy, old grudges - but none of those make them acceptable.
Speaking to the barn owner or another trustworthy person whom you and the other girls respect would probably be your best course of action. The girls need to learn that treating people that way isn't acceptable, and if they don't listen to you, they might listen to someone else.
Once they stop making fun of Holly, even if they don't apologise, just forgive them and treat them with as much grace as you would like to be treated. Holding grudges and keeping unforgiveness just poisons one's happiness.
Also, don't believe them! Holly is your pony. Even if she isn't purebred or pedigreed or the conformation queen of the world, she's Holly. It doesn't matter if she's fat or skinny or whatever. Anyway, in the pics, she looks like a perfectly good, sound, pretty pony to me. You're not asking her to do anything she's unsuited to. You're just asking her to be your pony Holly, and for that role, she is 100% perfect. And you can tell them that.

Apr 11, 2014
this is what you do, sweetie
by: Sydney Rae

Tell them "Oh, well I was just trying to make it like your pony!!!" Oh by the way your horse is very cute!!!

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