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Dec 23, 2009
Just to let you know....
by: Lauren

I am the author of this story, and for those of you that did not understand what I was trying to accomplish, THIS STORY WAS NOT MEANT TO OFFEND ANYONE!!!!! The purpose of this story was to tell about an experience and try to explain why I don't agree with cross-country. That's it. It wasn't to tell you how you should think, nor how you should ride. I was just stating a true story!!! Note the way I am still not telling you that everyone should dislike cross-country, I am just saying I happen to not like it. Also, it IS about the responsibility of the rider. And part of that responsibility the riders SHOULD have, is choosing not to do those life-threatening, huge, high jumps. Sure, a little log is okay to jump, but that's not what I am against. I AM ONLY AGAINST THE TYPE OF DANGEROUS JUMPING THAT INJURED MY HORSE!!!! Also, yes, all equestrian sports can be dangerous, but cross-country (referring to the high jumps), is really dangerous. Sure, racing is dangerous, but if you think about it, CROSS-COUNTRY IS RACING!!! By the way, if people are trying to make the jumps collapsible, that would be good. But have they made collapsible jumps yet? NO!!! So, it is still dangerous, and I am still against it.

Nov 28, 2009
by: Nicole

That is the most heart warming stroy I have ever read- I was crying!!!!!!! I am not "against" cross country- because I have never tried it(I barrel race western)but I do know it is one of the most dangerous equestrian sports there is-- I truly admire your determination and dedication!!!!!

Nov 28, 2009
by: Anonymous

The rider died? I have to say i don't agree with cross country being that bad. when the jumps get high, yes it is very dangerous and i am against the high jumps. sorry but low logs aren't going to do anything!!

Nov 28, 2009
by: BarnMom

What a great story....beautifully written and a powerful message. Thanks for sharing it.

Jan 01, 2011
by: Anonymous

I agree with the first comment. CROSS COUNTRY IS NOT BAD!!! My horse and I do cross country and we are both perfectly fine. Maybe your horse is too small to do cross country, or the horse and rider are not responsible.

Dec 18, 2009
by: Anonymous

i do not agree with cross country being bad. Cross Country jumps are NOT built to trick the horse, they are built to emulate obstacles a horse might face in battle. Three phase eventing was in fact started to prepare and test Cavalry horse. Dressage- the movements in dressage were used to make a Cavalry look bigger and scare the opponent
stadium- taught the horses balance and precision
cross country- prepared them for obstacles that are faced in the trail, in battle, in the wood.
If you have ever jumped a log in a field you have jumped a cross country jump.
Somethings you seemed to have forgotten to mention
cross country jumps are being redesigned to be collapsible
the riders and the horses are required to wear safety gear.
the stadium jumps are bigger, cross country jumps look large and imposing because they are solid BUT they are not as big as the stadium jumps are
just as many horse get injured in other sports like polo, show jumping, fox hunting, dressage, and trail riding. And more are injured in racing. All it takes is one wrong step to break a leg, i have known a trail horse who broke its leg walking on a perfectly flat trail, he just stepped odd and broke it.

Oh and from your story i gather that he broke his leg jumping in the last event of the show, then he broke his leg in stadium jumping not cross country. Which would make since going at high speeds like galloping puts a large amount of stress on the horses leg. In cross country the stress is reduced by the use of special boots and the soft terrain the grass provides, in stadium or jumping in any ring, a horse should not being going that fast, the turns are sharper and the ground is not as forgiving, that increases the stress. So maybe the issue might just be responsible riding, not the sport

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