First of all, I agree with the others. You should totally lunge her before you ride. Second, you CAN NOT let her run like that. If I were you, I would keep her at a walk and a slow trot for the first half of the lesson, and do some ground work like trotting poles. If Peppy is well-behaved during the lesson, you can ask her to run after.
Dec 09, 2017 Rating
I know what to do! by: Anonymous
You should try lunging Peppy for like ten minutes before you ride. Then you really need to give her the aids; show her that you are boss.
Oct 14, 2017 Rating
This might help by: Anonymous
I ride some similar horses too. Try keeping Peppy as close to the rail in the ring as possible. If that doesn’t work turn him in tight circles when he goes too fast.
Feb 03, 2017 Rating
same by: MKrider
I sometimes ride a horse with the same problem. Never let your horse get away with something that he or she shouldn't do. If not, the horse will develop bad habits.
Jan 17, 2017 Rating
no by: cherokee.rain04
Like some of the other girls said, you are just rewarding him for that bad behavior. If he takes off, you need to stop and make him stay.You could also try baking her up and then stopping.
My aunt had a horse who liked to take off when I was riding him.
You could also try a join up to bond a partnership with him, but ask your trainer if its okay before you perform it. Overall, you need to make him stop or he will think if he is bad he gets to run.
Also, find out how often he gets ridden. He might just need more exercise.
Hope this helps!
Dec 07, 2016 Rating
Back her up by: Eden
I used to have this problem with my horse too. Every time she starts to canter without me asking, I make her stop and back up a few steps. Then I make her stand there for 15 seconds. After a few times of doing this, she decided that she didn't want to canter anymore.
Hope this helps!
Apr 28, 2016 Rating
Try this by: Anonymous
Spend daily sessions of just walking around. Walk lines, circles, weave between things, anything you want, but stay at a walk. Then get off. Do this for a few days till she is willing to just walk. If she starts to jog, stop and back her a few steps. One she is good at that, spend time only walking and jogging. If that doesn't work, do LOTS of circles, lope her in circle without stopping till she is willing to stop. Then stop and let her stand still for a while, then do it again in a different direction. Hope this helps ;-)
Nov 07, 2015 Rating
I Hope I Can Help by: AQHA77
I almost had the same problem. Gallop it around the ring to get all the extra energy out and if she doesn't respond use a firmer hand. She might be in heat. So be careful, if it continues call a vet or experienced person to check him or her for any possible injury. Hope this helps!
Dec 01, 2014 Rating
Bigger by: Alyssa the horse gentler
Okay how big is her pen? If it is small she needs to get out and run that is why if she has a big pen then she thinks you might want to run. she can't sense you ride her bare back in a small pen and let someone lead her be happy and let her sense that and think about NOT wanting to run she will understand. Also, get to know her better and I'm glad you do not use I can't even type it but you know what I mean I do not either!!
Aug 27, 2014 Rating
10 Second stop by: Anonymous
I've ridden horses like that. Once they start going, they don't want to stop. I like to do what I call the 10 Second Stop. The name describes it. When your horse goes faster than you want, make her stop for ten seconds. If she moves, stop her and start counting to ten. Your horse will eventually get the hint. Hope I helped!
Oct 13, 2013 Rating
hope this helps by: sweetie 22
i hope this helps. i had a horse that would walk sideways all the time because the old owners would reward him for his bad behavior and what i had to do was drive my four wheeler about 5 mph with the saddle on and worked him hard and he never did anything again.
Sep 02, 2013 Rating
This might help... by: Anonymous
Don't say "Oh what the heck! I'll let her run" That's rewarding her. I rider at my barn had the same problem because she was letting her horse run. Your horse is probably thinking 'Oh! If I misbehave she'll let me run!' .
Try talking to your instructor or trainer about it. She/he might know of some way to help you with your horse. Hope this helps!!^^
Jul 25, 2013 Rating
look by: ahg
the girl who rode her reworded bad behavior and peppy thought it was ok with you, so just punish him when he goes fast with out your command and tell the girl not to do it again.
Jul 25, 2013 Rating
the circles by: bandi
keep her in the circles until she comes to a complete stop release your reins, if she begins to run again repeat process. this may take a while for her to get what your trying to get across. you can also do this on the ground. if she moves all over the place while your trying to get on. make her move until she stops and then try to get on, if she moves again repeat process. stay consistent.
Dec 14, 2013 Rating
i think i know what u can do by: madi
ok my horse noodles is a run run run horse. she will try to take off on me don't let her lope because u are just telling her that she can take control of u. turn her in the fence and just turn until she feels like she won't do it and u can't fix crazy so yea.