Comments for Miniatures are "bad"??!?

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May 19, 2018
Mini's are perfect!!
by: Horses Rock This World!!!!!!

Since when are mini's bad? I have two mini filly's that I've broken in myself as my first time breaking a horse in and now my 3, 7, and 2 year old brothers are riding them. They're so sweet and are super easy to break in, after a couple of halter lessons they walk beside you like a puppy. There are some minis just like horses, who are spooky and try to escape paddocks, but those minis are far and few between. I reckon that minis will be perfect for you!!

Oct 15, 2017
They're so sweet
by: Ali

I have the cutest mini pony ever. His name is Peppy. Yes, he is spirited but wouldn't hurt a fly. A mini would be a great starter for training.

Jul 25, 2017
Minis are the best
by: Anonymous

Just like all other horses and ponies, they all have their own personalities. Some are worse than others, but it all depends on the owner.

In my opinion, I absolutely love minis, they're very small, but they have huge personalities! They also make great companions to other horses. Make sure to throw in some fun between the training, and good luck!

Jan 31, 2017
No way
by: MKrider

Minis have huge personalities! They can be sassy, sweet, shy, bold...

Dec 17, 2016
Mini Friend
by: Macy

Are you kidding, I have 4 minis and they are the best of friends anyone could ask for! With proper care minis are really fun! Only thing I suggest is don't let them get away with anything!

Dec 02, 2014
No no no no
by: Alyssa the horse gentler

They are fun.... a lot of fun it would make a great horse!!!!

Nov 12, 2014
Miniature horses
by: Devyn

Miniature horses make great pets. I have a mini mare and two mini fillies, so I know.
I don't think any mini would destroy a wire fence.
Although, do not use cider fencing for minis.
We made that mistake and our minis chewed it to pieces!
And if you want to get a miniature as a kids horse, I would recommend a gelding 34-38 inches tall. The reason I recommended a gelding is because mares can be stubborn and sometimes want to be the boss. And also, don't get a stud colt or a stallion.
I hoped this info helped. :)

-Devyn age 12

May 22, 2013
by: Maddie

Well, there IS a difference from miniature ponies to miniature horses. I own two miniature horses and they are awesome! But you have to be a certain weight as my brother used to want to ride him but he was too heavy. As for the damage, I guess it would just depend on it's personality/attitude but mine don't hurt anyone or do any damage. They also get along really well with my sheep (even the lambs that unfortunately died a week ago :(.

Feb 23, 2013
by: Bree

Mini pony can be a bit stubborn at times, just what ever you do don't get a colt or a stallion. i made a mistake on getting a colt now he is a fully grown stallion that is pushy and mini's shouldn't be ridden at all.

Jan 07, 2013
...good luck
by: Anonymous

are you even supposed to ride miniatures? i would look it up if i were you, and make sure your sister wouldn't be too heavy.
If this is all okay, you should visit the horse, and get to know it. Make sure that the horse is able to do what you need him?her to do, but you probably know what to do, anyway (; good luck, and i hope it goes your way xxx

Dec 13, 2012
by: PineView Haven Farm

Minnis are not bad or dangerous, I own nine of them and they don't destroy fences or hurt people. If someone tries to ride them and the take off it's for two reasons, 1. the person is too big to ride them, you know, only little kids can ride them, and 2. they might not be saddle broken or even broken to ride. The only bad thing minnis can do is fight with another minni if they don't like that minni. One of my minnis is a wild child but when I put a halter on him, he's amazing and doesn't do anything, really minnis don't do anything bad so if you get one, you have nothing to worry about. One more thing, you should get a minni gelding because they are much more calm but make sure he is broken to ride.

Sep 25, 2012
you may have a point
by: reina

you may have a point, but I have heard true stories of things about minis like my moms friend had one when she was young and it would always lay down in running water with her friend on it.

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