what happened to your neighbors, did they apologize?
Jun 27, 2010 Rating
Awww feel better :( by: Sharon
Beautiful horse! sorry about what happened may his soul rest in peace
Jun 26, 2010 Rating
OMG by: Anonymous
she sooo sweet..
Jun 02, 2010 Rating
So sorry! by: Sally
I am so sorry, you must feel so upset and devestated. I hope you feel better soon. Sorry again.
May 30, 2010 Rating
OMG by: Harmony
I feel realy bad for you!If GlitterGirl would have died i'd try to kill myself!Horses are part of my soul!
May 30, 2010 Rating
GlitterGirl by: Harmony
I just got a new horse,and she is spotted like a dalmation we call her GlitterGirl and we went camping and we heard this awful noise that night comeing from the camp site.When we looked outside there was a big bobcat standing over GlitterGirl it had her by her ear it hurt her realy bad,so i ran to the truck got my daddy's gun and shot the bobcat in the leg and scared it off!When i got to GlitterGirl she had alot of blood on her I was frightend so she has been sent to the animal hospital.I realy miss rideing her!It will be another week before she comes back! !Please pray for GlitterGirl she is a great Barrel racer!
May 25, 2010 Rating
Im sooo sorry!!! :( by: Anonymous
OMG!!! I am sooo sorry if that ever happened to my horse I would be sooooo sad i dont what i would do with my life!! ='(
May 24, 2010 Rating
oh no!! by: Sydney
That is an awful, awful story! I am sooooo sorry to hear Melody was killed. How terrible for you.