Hi... two more! Or two halves? Off Suzy :D She is the sweetest little pocket rocket ever. I LOVE HER SHE KEEPS THINGS INTERESTING! She is bound for NSW in Australia at the moment with Cliff, on their way to Dubbo to stay at a friends while we move :) Anyway, she is a pocket rocket who has minimal brakes! We cantered up a hill bareback and spooked Cliff (my cute and lazy dorky pony!) and he ran up the hill with sophie just sitting on him. It took her by suprise and she just "Oh. Not this again." and slipped off. Nearly every time she rides cliff she falls....lol. Cliff doesn't take it easy on riders! Then I turned around to see if she was OK and suzy just bolted down the hill, and swerved to miss the fence when she got to the bottom. At the swerve I was hanging on with my left leg and arms around her neck, hanging off her right side, and when she slowed to a jog, I let myself fall and rolled. LOL IT WAS SO FUNNY! Then the other day, I like to dismount by chucking my leg over their neck and slip off. Well, I was sitting on suzy and I chucked me leg over but got it caught behind her neck and I slipped. then I just went thump on the ground...lol :) More like two half falls! LOL :) My sister has fallen off Cliff five times now :) ONe at agistment, another they were cantering and he spooked, one she over mounted, another bareback and another when Suzy spooked Cliff!
Dec 30, 2011 Rating
12 times, and I'm proud of it. ;) by: Anonymous
lol I've fallen off 12 times! xD I remember them all, and one day when I'll be bothered I'll list them on here. My most spectacular one was when I was riding my mad loan pony, Megan, bareback with my friend Emily and her mad pony, Shady. Before the big one, i had a small one where- well, it was pathetic really. just slid off, landed on my feet but tripped over in the long grass- splat on my face. LOL. After that, the ponies were getting really mad and hyped up. I cantered megan down the longside of the (BIG) field, and she bolted *very* fast. I'm actually quite proud at how I stayed on at such a mad sprint. but then, typically, she just had to buck. Just three words for you- BUCK. WHEEE! SPLAT! Yeah, i rolly-pollied in mid- air and landed kinda on my back, still in mid-flip. the base of my neck REALLY hurt, and I -re-sprained my little finger i sprained on my first fall. but I was fine,just in shock. but once i was checked over by my mum (yes shes a nurse) i got back on and walked around, just so i wouldn't be scared of getting on the next time.
Dec 03, 2011 Rating
wow by: pony lover
wow sounds like you've had lots of falls! i've only fallen off twice. lol
Dec 02, 2011 Rating
by: Anneka
Needless to say that Banjo is at the top of the pecking order with the horses (not the riders. But he's herd boss). And he is very high spirited. Acts like he's a stallion sometimes--- the attitude, not the instincts! And cliff is my fairly new (few months) super-cheeky and awesomely amazing horse. :) (I have been riding for a few years and considering the cheekiness, high spirited-ness, and circumstances of the falls, no need to be nasty!)
Dec 02, 2011 Rating
I was told it was 100! by: Anneka
I was told it was 100! Either way, I'm either there or nearly! lol....