If I lived in the area that I could have a horse, I would TOTALLY save up 4 one!!!
Aug 07, 2010 Rating
name by: Anonymous
ok the website is www.chr.org
Aug 07, 2010 Rating
Horse Braiding! by: Kayley
Hey, I might have the solution to your problem! Two words: Horse mane and tail braiding. people pay big bucks for that job. If you know what you are doing, you can earn from sixty to ninety dollars easily. Beginners usually charge about thirty to fifty, but once your reputation gets high, you can make the price higher. So you can make lots of money and be around your favorite animal; Horses.
P.S. What is the website called? Just curious.
Aug 06, 2010 Rating
horses for adoption by: Sydney
can you share with us the website for adoptable horses? thanks!