Comments for I'm really sad! Giving up my pony isn't easy...

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Nov 21, 2012
It's so hard
by: Sydney from

I know I leased a horse for two months but we couldn't afford to buy him so I had to give him back. It's so hard. They are always in your heart but it's not the same is it?

Nov 18, 2012
by: horselover33

i had to give up a horse too. his name was Freckles he was a leopard Appaloosa. i didn't lease him, but i still took lessons on him and spent all my spare time with him. he was so sweet me and him were meant to be together. then one day when i was leaving the barn the owner of the place came over and told me that he was being sold! i was SO sad and went home and cried. it still makes me sad the think about him. he was my life. now he is across the state and i cant see him anymore.
now i am getting my own horse and i am so happy, but Freckles will always have a special place in my heart that nothing can fix.

Sep 05, 2012
I went through the same thing
by: Julie

I went through the same thing in August. There is this horse named Dana, and I am the only one who can ride her, or even get close to her. I leased her this summer, but I didn't have enough money to keep on leasing her. I miss her so much! :( She is like my second piece. I never really got over not seeing her everyday, but the pain does get better in time. Hope this helps.

Sep 05, 2012
Aw poor you!
by: Lucinda

It's always hard, giving up a pony. At least you can still take lessons on her can't you?

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