Thanks guys for the advice, but there's one problem now, my neighbor is moving this month.(Everything is just like a walk in the park, isn't it?)
Mar 11, 2010 Rating
DO IT!!! by: sierra
I ride every Saturday too! i havent missed one lesson since i starteed! it is a lot of fun !do you ride english or western? Hope you get to cater soon!
Mar 02, 2010 Rating
UH - UH by: Chloe
Hey why do you keep puting it off tell your parents you want to ride with your neighbour if they say no tell them that you will probably run round and tell your neighbour what they just said
Hope this works!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 08, 2010 Rating
Thanks! by: Megan(Author)
Thanks for the advise, Sydney! PS. My neighbor is already cantering, and I'm still on trotting lol)
Feb 07, 2010 Rating
my suggestion by: Sydney
Ask your parents if you can ride with your neighbor. Then pay for a lesson ahead of time so you won't want to cancel and lose your money. Then go. Once you are there you will love it! Trust me. :-)