Have you thought of getting them into pony club? There is a membership for older members above 25. I think that they could learn a lot in pony club, because pony club teaches horse care and management as well as riding.
Jul 19, 2016 Rating
Comment :) by: Horse-Lover-Forever
Have you tried introducing them to a nearby riding stable? There they could learn about horses and learn to ride and stuff. Explain to them a few tips about owning a horse and grooming. Maybe they should loan the horses out to an experienced rider.
Jul 17, 2015 Rating
Try This by: Siera
Possibly take the job, as you train have them learn what you are doing in the process. But though it's only if they are going to ensure time with you and their horses. If not, Sydney's idea seems like a winner.
Aug 09, 2013 Rating
update by: Bandi
I did as you suggested, I printed off a lot of information for them to look up and read. but the first thing I looked up for them was considering a horse safety course. While I was handing them all this information. they told me they had acquired a third horse and all three they have are young horses and they found out by attempting to put a saddle on them that they can't be rode because they are not broke to ride. I told them that I could not train their horses for them. But I would be there to help them with any other questions they may have and that horses are a responsibility and it takes a great amount of learning about self-discipline. they actually began looking at me like I was from another planet. but however I haven't heard from them or seen them in a few weeks since then. Since I was raised around horses this is all very strange to me. I have never seen anybody cut their grass in their pasture with a lawn mower and then put their horses out to eat on it. I hope they research the information I gave them. If it doesn't help them it helped me know how to deal with this kind of situation again thank you very much my dear horse crazy friend.
Aug 04, 2013 Rating
Thanks Sydney by: Bandi
Great ideas Thank you so much. I so wanted to help these folks in a kind way. talking to someone who is not horse savvy at all and has never heard of natural horsemanship is a very hard first conversation. If only you could have been a fly on the wall.
Jul 28, 2013 Rating
In over their heads by: Sydney
That's a tough one. You're right to be careful because they may try to get you to do a lot of training, but then if they don't invest in that (or follow through) it could create more problems.
Maybe you can start by giving them a horse training book or sending them a link to a training website for natural horsemanship? We have a list of horse training books you might find helpful.
Also, if they advertise maybe they can find someone who would like to help with their horses in exchange for the opportunity to ride. I know I would have done that before I got my horse! Maybe you can help them by screening the people who want to do that so they don't end up finding someone else who doesn't know what they are doing.