I went with Jazz, Marti just wasn't for me. Jazz is still it bit high strung and spooky but were working on it. I went to our first show together and she was little brat until our last class which was our only jumping one.
Sep 11, 2011 Rating
Marti!!! by: Sundancerider
u should get marti, because he can jump the highest, and as u get older, u will want to jump higher.. also he is tall, so u will never outgrow him.
Jun 19, 2011 Rating
3rd by: Anonymous
I suggest the third choice, marti. He's a good size and since he's at a prime age you will most likely have him for a long time. He can also jump higher than you are currently able to so you could advance a lot with him. Get Marti!!! :)
May 25, 2011 Rating
horse by: Anonymous
skittle would be your least choice because you are too big for him. I think Whisper is the best choice for you.
Please visit http://www.horsehelpline.weebly.com/ that should help you a little too.
May 17, 2011 Rating
first by: Anonymous
the first horse the 17 hand one. i had the same breed and i was jumping a 4'8 and she landed and broke her front two legs landing. she died instantly hitting her head. and i broke my leg and arm.
May 12, 2011 Rating
Jazz all of the above (: by: Kamie K.
ok i would choose Jazz too cause she would be a great project horse in the showing wise (: you might not get first place in the shows but it counts with the experienced points! also it would boost your bond with your new horse when your practicing with her (; when you ride at your barn you should ask your trainer to do a mini show for you with your other barn friends. Plus i know show/jump horses that don't like to be on trail rides. So you and Jazz could camp out under the stars, or even go on the trails and maybe jump a branch or something it would be loads of fun for you and your horse ;D
May 08, 2011 Rating
I'd choose Jazz by: Unicorn
My pick would be Jazz. She might be a bit spooky and have no showing experience, but she can be trained out of it. A problem with her, though, is that height - 15.2hh is a lot to handle for someone who's 5'0 (I should know, that's my height and I have a 15.1hh stallion in training). However if she has the training, you have the experience, and there is a professional to help you, she should be a good choice.
I would not take the stallion. Stallions are generally difficult to handle, tend to jump fences and produce unwanted foals, and 17hh is TALL. Hip problems, too - if you're looking for a horse who'll be a nice ride for a long time, those hips could end up giving you a lot of misery and running up the vet bills.
The 13hh pony sounds sweet but he'll be too small for you. I have a 13.2hh pony and it's definitely a pleasure to be mounted on something the right size for you.
However just from reading these few lines, no one can choose a horse for you. No one can choose a horse based on any amount of written information. Take a professional along to see the horses, ride them yourself. It's essential to make a good choice when buying a new horse. A suitable horse can bring a lot of joy, but an unsuitable one can bring a lot of misery.
Happy riding! And have tons and tons of fun with your new best friend.
May 07, 2011 Rating
Horses by: Anonymous
Don't get Whisper or Skittle because you will outgrow them. Get Jazz, if you want a challenge. Get the other horse if you just want a buddy. His hip might cause problems, though. You might even, at the worst, have to put him down. Trust me, you don't want to do that. It is very sad
May 06, 2011 Rating
What horse to get.. by: Anonymous
Don't get whisper or skittle because if your 5'0 now, you well surely outgrow them in 2 or 3 years and then you will have to let them go. Jazz would be good if you were not looking to show or if you wanted to ride western as well as English. Marti is the horse for you if you're looking to show, trails, and boost up your confidence. Marti might be a little big now but you will be tall when you get older. XOXOXO
Jun 28, 2011 Rating