Comments for Help! (Not a Story, I Need Help)

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Feb 06, 2011
by: chessie]smallwonder]

hunterlane, chester, 4-season. i ride at hunter lane stables its only $200. the most caring, sweet and neat barn.

Jan 19, 2011
go to "reply page" by me
by: akoiya

hey this is akoiya again and i am just requesting you guys to go to my reply page. when you get there, read the comments comment back to them, ask me questions and i will look at your comments and reply back. its gonna be really fun so just look under training stories for it.

Jan 19, 2011
by: Anonymous

Hey guys thanks for suggestions.

Bettie-I'm so sorry. That is a good idea with the glove! haha. OH also you helped me a lot. Don't think your obsessive. I get really cranky during the day and until I am home because I don't read anything horsey or see anything horsey. WEIRD. well i guess every girl who wants a horse and cant get one has some weird things they do. Oh also I might be able to get Jake when I am older because he is only 9 so he would be 19 so I might have a chance! oh well.

again thanks for everything everyone.

Jan 19, 2011
i feel ya
by: akoiya(koikoi)

i don't have a horse either and the only one i have ridden was led by a rope and followed a trail at a play farm (i felt bad for the poor pony, it looked sad). i really want to start RIDING so my grandma (and family) is helping me find farms that will let me work to ride. you could be a stable help. or you can do little things such as lemonade stands, garage sales, etc. you could also look into working at pet stores. please tell me how it goes by commenting on my comment story

Jan 18, 2011
by: eva

You could baby-sit, wash cars, sell lemonade, or volunteer to do odd jobs around the house. Tell me what you think.

Jan 18, 2011
I understand
by: Bettie

I live like 2 hours away from the horse camp I go to as often as I can even in December (fact I just got back from a week long one :)

anyway there is a horse there that I love and he doesn't like other people his name is border hes a cute bay Arab gelding but he's getting old and might die soon...

Here's the part that makes me think we were meant for each other on the way there I told her when I get my first horse I want a bay Arab gelding... My friend wave craving a brandy truffle and got a horse named brandy and I got border I cry every time I have to leave him (even when I'm not leaving camp)

I've accepted the fact that he'll never be mine but I'm still obsessive every time I go I wear one glove while grooming him and rub him all over when I'm home I have a glass case I keep the glove in and when I'm stressed or sad I smell the glove (it smells like him) and I calm down and I feel like I'm back in his stall then I want to cry again that he isn't actually here :p

I think my point is that you'll need to accept the fact that unless hes for sale he's probably not gonna end up being your horse... But there is one out there maybe being born this very second that will be yours one day. That's what I always think when I get sad about border.

And for the jobs I'm 12 too and my mom is gonna have me take baby sitting classes so I can start later this year maybe you could try that.

Jan 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thanks guys! I will try everything you all put. Well, as for the jobs one at a time! Oh and I have a friend I ride with so it helps, but none of the horses are the same. He just loves me and I know because... He tries to buck every other girl that rides him, which is kind of dangerous.

When I first started on him he bucked me, but it was my fault because he was loping fast (he has fast and slow lope) and I kicked hard because he usually doesn't lope after the last barrel and he got mad at me and bucked ,but I didn't fall!

Oh and I have to wait until I am 14 to actually work, but I was thinking I was going to ask the owner if I could help out. I could muck the stalls, bring some horses in, groom, tack up, I told her I would do anything.O n the weekends I could sleep there they have a bunkhouse for camps!

Jan 18, 2011
I feel your pain!
by: Amber (see Moonshadow)

I feel your pain. First to deal with the pain, find a neighbor with a horse. That helps A LOT. If none of your neighbors have horses, then submerse yourself in other stuff. If you like music, then find some feel good music. Owl City is a good artist for thinking and feel good. Sugarland helps some. Get an animal that's small and cheap, but still requires a little work.

For money, try mowing lawns in rich neighborhoods. Sell candy, lemonade, and cookies. Try making, fixing, and repairing necklaces. If you are god with animals, dog walking. You might even get a job at that farm if you really want that horse.

Jan 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

Sorry to hear about your situation. All I can really suggest is: do your best when you do get to Splendour Farms (what a charming name). Ride with your heart and improve every day so that you can prove how dedicated you are. Offer to do chores around the stable - muck out, groom, saddle up, feed, and so on. If you're an accomplished rider and your instructor respects you, you might also offer to help out during lessons, particularly group lessons for beginners when some still need a lead rein. Whatever happens, don't ever give up! Dreams really do come true and there is always a way. Wishing you and Jake the very best.

Jan 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

hi, you could try doing dog walking to earn some money or car cleaning babysitting or you could try to find a share pony where you are so you can at least ride. then maybe you might not miss him so much. just find someone that needs some help with their pony but make sure you don't ask someone with a really small pony like 11 or 12 hands high like i did. lol.

Jan 29, 2011
Ideas? Heres a few...
by: Horserider

I don't have a horse either. Only difference is that I'm not that far away. But anyway back to the point... Here's some little things you could do... lemonade stand, wash cars, you could work at the farm you want to lease your horse at,babysitting,chores, maybe you could do outdoors work like lawn mowing or watering gardens in the summer for your neighbors.

Just ideas :)

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