Comments for Exciting day ends in tears...PLEASE READ

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May 30, 2011
WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!?!?THAT IS....@#!$ %*~#
by: Evangeline

WHAAAA?????? why do they want him back?! and people say you don't what you've got till it's gone! you're NOT going to give him back.... ARE you? that is like, TOTALLY UNFAIR! your SUPPOSED to buy a horse PERMANENTLY! and you didn't lease him? you bought him? OMG!i just can't get over the unfairness of it! you should totally put up a fight!

May 25, 2011
Write More!
by: Anonymous

If you are ready, could you please write the rest? Also, fix up your grammar because some sentences don't make sense.

May 24, 2011
soo sad
by: meghan

Ya i understand it hurts u. so do u want me to write the rest?

May 24, 2011
awwwwwww :(
by: jennivere

I'm soooo sorry for you i kinda know how you feel well you see I love horses but I took a little break in the winter, my dad said we would start back up when it gets warmer but instead I'm still not riding and he said that last year but finally in going to ride at this new stable called tag along but anyway i feel for you bye

Jun 14, 2011
That's NOT Fair!!!!
by: Carolyn

if the people sold Jake, I don't think they can take him back. If they sold Jake, they can't expect to just take him back whenever they want.

May 28, 2011
Just a few tips
by: Anonymous

Here's a few tips:

Let us know who everyone is! I was a little bit confused. (P.S. Sorry if this is like a part 2 or something, then this won't really help you

Use more dialogue. Instead of saying, for example,

Mom: Go clean your room
Me: Ok


"Go clean your room," my mom said.
"Ok," I replied

Also, you might want to add in a few verbs, and tell us how the people are feeling.

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