My horsey story is kind of short but whatever. It started when I was in sixth grade. I was so in love with horses for my whole life and had taken lessons before but didn't retain very much. In the sixth grade, I had started riding at my friend's stables. I rode a horse named Shay. He was a very slow and older arab. This barn was all english so I had started riding english and still do. After I had ridden shay for about 2 months, I moved to a horse named Sunny. He was a very smooth Quarab and was 27 when I started riding him I think. That horse taught me how to canter and jump. When I did my first jump it was heaven! I felt like I was flying! It was so fun! But then I had to move onto a different horse named Jill. Jill was an appendix quarter horse, still very smooth and she was a little brat and, I would get in trouble because she would get in the way of other horses but nonetheless I still liked her. Until I met my first love, horse wise, Nick. He is a light bay thoroughbred and I absolutely loved him and still do. I learned how to jump 2'3" boxers on him and he took care of me in my first show. But after the show my mom decided that we had to move stables in order for me to advance because my dream is to win a gold medal three-day eventing in the Olympics:). So I moved stables to a place that was about the same distance from our house but it taught me a lot. The lady who owned it was also the lesson teacher and she had put me on an arab-dutch warmblood mix who had won pony finals! But he was lazy so I had to use the crop on him a lot to get him to move. The lady though (Missy Ahner) had become a friend to me and my mom and had fixed my postition a lot to where now I get a lot of comments on how great my equitation is.
Jun 14, 2012 Rating
Hi AbbiH by: Unicorn
I'll be sure to look in on your blog - I love horsey blogs. I dreamed of having a horse for years until, when I was seven, my parents bought me a little chestnut filly, whom I named Skye. She was wild, barely trained, mistreated and terrified of humans, but under the frightened exterior burned the bright flame of her spirit. And it was that blazing spirit, not my clueless horsemanship, that led to the day she finally walked over to me and laid her noble head on my shoulder. We never looked back. Bold, honest, game and willing, Skye's spirit burns on, never letting me down. Since then my sister gave me her pony, Arwen, who was too wild for her; a pretty little grey mare with an Arabian's dished face and a sugar-sweet nature. Skye also had a colt foal to a Friesian stallion; Thunderbird the patient, the magnificent, a true gentle giant down to his big bones. The three amazing horses that walked into my life one by one, the horses that our Lord was kind enough to bless me with. So that's my story. I look forward to reading yours. Unicorn