It's a LOT of work to make this site but it's a lot of fun too!!!! If you want to make your own, I recommend the the service my mom and I use.
If you do build a site let me know and I'll link to it!
Mar 21, 2009 Rating
What the Hay? by: Kara the tame horseman
Is this Sydney again? If it is, I have to say you should have or should soon be getting another comment I have recently wrote you on your story called,"Hi". Like I've said before, this is a strong disappointment,but I have more to say than that, if that's what your thinking! Do your parents know what you do on the internet, let alone your spare time?!! I am not trying to be rude or anything, I am just trying to understand why you would write something so non-logical. I expected everyone on this site would be respected and take this site seriously. Don't take this personally. I hope you will be writing more logical next time I read another story of yours,or if that's inconveinent for you just simply write to your friends or simply not on this site. THANK YOU. -Kara the tame horseman