People shouldn't mistaet animals.That is sooooooooo sad.I just want to move there and give him a million apples and carrots if he wouldn't get a tummy ache!Tell the bad people I siad GRRRRRR!!!!
Jan 03, 2009 Rating
So SAD! by: Hannah Elisa-Beth M
See? This is why we have animal cops. They arrest people for animal cruelty. I kind of want to be an animal cop. That was so sad!
Oct 19, 2008 Rating
Seething.... by: Windcall
I'm literally SEETHING with rage! How ANYBODY, especially a horse owner, can see something so terribly sad and think "Aaww, whatever!" is COMPLETELY beyond me!!!!!! One of my future plans is to have an animal shelter in which horses, no matter what condition they're in, can be loved and taken care of and given a new lease on life.
Thank you for saving Chief!
Windcall *:-) JESUSLUVSU!
Sep 25, 2008 Rating
Poor Chief by: Natalie
That's a sad story. at least hes getting better. How can people do stuff like that to horses? I mean it cruel! I'm sure Chief is a really great horse. have fun with him!
Aug 04, 2008 Rating
I love this story! by: Christina
Aug 04, 2008 Rating
omg! by: horselover490
how can someone do that to a horse. it's so sad. i'm happy that he's doing fine now.