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You are awesome! Thanks for all the science fair ideas
October 26, 2011
Hi! It's Sydney...

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Thank you so much for all the awesome ideas for my upcoming science fair project. Horsecrazy girls are the best! I got some great ideas and a few I would love to use.

BUT...I found out my science fair teacher won't let me use someone else's horse in the experiment and since I don't have one yet (sniffle, sniffle) I have to do something else. So I am doing a project about solar cooking instead. :-(

But, the good thing is I've been able to build two pages with all your ideas and hopefully they will come in handy next year if my parents finally get me a horse.

If you need any ideas for yourself, visit this page:

Find horse science experiment ideas here!

If you can't click on that link, just cut and paste this into your browser:

It links to a second page with more ideas.

Thanks again!

Hug a horse,


P.S. Are you ready for Halloween? I know I need to pick the best horse Halloween costumes from our contest - I am going to do that this week! Comment on your favorite horse costume idea here (there are some really cute ones)

Fun Horse Halloween Costumes Here

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