Zombie Horse and Cowgirl
by Drea
(pueblo co )
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How did you come up with your costume idea? My husband and I watch the series the walking dead and thought it would be fun to dress my horse and I up as zombies. Every year we dress pretty fun like one year we did a barbie and ken. It was too cute but this year we did a creepy costume and it came out pretty kewl.
How did you make it? My friend and I did the make and and my zombie outfit. We started to work on me first which took some time. Then we started General and he was really enjoying the photos and time. We actually took 100 pictures that day. All the pictures came out so amazing really wanted to share our costume. Thought maybe after all the time and work we put into it we could share it. I think his smile and mine make the picture.
How much did it cost? We only spent money on the make up. It was about 10 dollars. It was cheap for us since we just used old clothes and make up. Probably one of the cheapest costumes I have ever made. lol It was not store bought.
Where did you wear it? We wore it to a fun horse show. We actually took a trail ride in it around the neighborhood. Everyone came out to see us. They cracked up.
How did people react? Everyone loved and laughed when I made general lee grin/GGGrrr along with me. People stared when we smiled together especially and said that general was an amazing horse.
How did your horse like it? General Lee has learned horse tricks and loves all the attention. He can pick up my hat, smile, give a hug, bow and lay down and squeak a to chicken and hand it to me. General Lee took a bow at the horse and laid down as I pretended to play dead. He of course got a treat for his good behavior. This horse has so much character and he made a great scary zombie.
I shared it on my Facebook and on our local vets Facebook and we had tons of likes. i hope that we can think of another creative idea to do next Halloween with our beloved General lee. Thank you for having this contest!!!